Hey guys!
I used to be heavily involved in the IM world about 6-7 years ago, but haven't done much or kept up the past few. Therefore I'm kinda out of the loop.
I was just wondering everyone's opinions about who are marketers these days that you all trust?
Who are the a-holes not to be trusted and who are the good guys?
Thanks so much!
Because of the volatility of SEO, both in function and the fact that anybody with a chrome extension and internet access could refer to themselves as "SEO", IM Marketers", "SEM's" etc etc (women seemed to really run for the "SEM/SEO" title, because having a facebook with 200 friends is that people tell you is "creative" is CLEARLY qualification... while Men swarmed towards blackhat. So men made it a criminal enterprise, women deflated the value. sound like marriage to anyone else?).. All of the simpletons who though they knew anything about SEO flipped it into joke, and the rampant blackhat made it shady, and when the two hit a tipping point and merged, they proverbially "crossed the streams" (ie Ghostbusters), and chaos ensued.
The ramifications for flagrant blackhating and hundreds of millions wasted on the ever-bogus BOA scene came as unrecoverable loss in both ranking and revenue, and since the SEO/SEM field was a hallowed shell of its former self, full of "specialists" who quickly realized their only specialties were bullshit and self-delusion, while the REAL/Legit SEO/SEM folk having rebranded themselves as "Marketing Consultants", focusing on the very new "Local SEO" field, and generally only working in small-mid-sized groups, for safety in numbers I can only assume.
And this is where we are today. Marketing AGENECIES, not Internet MARKETERS. Branding, exposure, real content, genuine interest, a vengeful and ever-more watchfull google policing the scene with a harsh but fair rule-of-law. The old IM'er tricks are mostly useless, always extremely risky, and will never be sustainable. All this genuine effort that is now required takes time, reesearch, organization, specialists, experience etc, hence, the arrival of the marketing agencies.
TLDR: Shady practices, loose definitions of employment qualifications and a clearly fed-up Google chased the lone IM Marketers away. Real content, genuine interest, viable products and honest information are king, and its takes a group of people to do that - Marketing Agencies are the new go-to.
I totally agree.
I sold my first product online in 1997. I've seen a lot happen in the "Internet marketing" space since then! :-)
I think I realised the game was pretty much finished for solo marketers when some started recommending mailing your list two or three times per day. Now people don't trust individual Internet marketers with their email addresses, so they simply don't buy from individuals. Hence, the rise of the platforms who don't give out people's email. I mean Amazon Kindle for ebooks and Udemy for courses.
OK, it's massively simplified, but it's the essence of what happened to the "guru's".
(06-09-2016 12:01 PM)johnbruce1950 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys!
I used to be heavily involved in the IM world about 6-7 years ago, but haven't done much or kept up the past few. Therefore I'm kinda out of the loop.
I was just wondering everyone's opinions about who are marketers these days that you all trust?
Who are the a-holes not to be trusted and who are the good guys?
Thanks so much!
It depends. What are you into? CPA? Affiliate Marketing? Copywriting? Product creation? Etc? There are
goo-roos for each and every "neesh", lol. Also, what are your intentions? Fun or profit?
I actually don't trust any of them at all. Even people like Lee Murray who plays himself out to be your buddy. In fact, the more they come at you as your friend and the whole "me and you against the world" bit, the least I trust them.
Just get stuff from here and learn and apply what they have to teach, take it with a grain of salt, pick up a different product, rinse and repeat until you have your own system down.
I am into self publishing myself. The one and only guru I have some respect for is Geoff Shaw. Stay the
F*** away from Rob Howard for dam sure! Andrew Zirkin suucks as well and will spam you mercilessly.
In general, stay away from James Renouf, Mark Barret, Billy Darr, Chris Cole, Huw Hughes,
David Kirby, Declan Mc, Fergal Downes, Art Flair. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Those guys sell cheapo products only to get you on their list and then cross pollinate your email to everyone and their dog and you'll be slammed with shittty offers day in and day out. Most especially David Kirby!
good list so far anyone else we should avoid?