Wow smithnowt...some people really have it sorry to hear that! Here's another link just in case the other link goes down:
It is revealing to see partners with one who suffers with that - and one who does not...
This seems to be an affliction which can be talked about and described endlessly, but apparently is quite impossible to comprehend unless one suffers from it.
I have read that offers very good relief from this and I personally enjoy using it.
Sometimes they make very good discount offers (it is a for-pay online thing...)
Looks interesting - thanks for sharing. +5
I have a family member that has it and he has learned to deal with it without any aides...he just accepted it. Of course I recommended to him some nice background music ( which will kill two birds with one stone. 1) It will drown the noise and 2) It will relax you and put you in another place that helps you forget the fact that you are trying to fall asleep, but cannot because of this friggin' noise in my ears!
Thank you for the share friend. Your share will bring hope and relief for many.
Sure hope this works
Most folks totally miscomprehend tinnitus as being 'in the ears':
(02-16-2018 05:30 AM)ilikeseggs Wrote: [ -> ]I have a family member that has it and he has learned to deal with it without any aides...he just accepted it. Of course I recommended to him some nice background music ( which will kill two birds with one stone. 1) It will drown the noise and 2) It will relax you and put you in another place that helps you forget the fact that you are trying to fall asleep, but cannot because of this friggin' noise in my ears!
Because that is how we all know that we hear sounds - BUT:
That is incorrect.
Tinnitus is NOT in the ears - nor can it be 'drowned out' by external sound sources - as it is something else which nobody yet has figured out.
Most theories posit that it is either a nervous or a brain affliction.
There is no known medical or physical treatment for it yet - and the only things which seem to help only some who suffer with it are stress reduction and/or certain distracting sounds which are as different for each sufferer as the noise in every victim's head tends to be unique to each.
Therefore the name 'tinnitus terminator' is as misleading as most things in IM/MMO - and as with that other stuff, is intended to get profits with yet another bunch of big promises that turn out to be...just vapour.
Thank you smithnowt
interesting ?