06-07-2016, 11:22 AM
This e-book will give you everything you need to know about analyzing people, even if you’re meeting them for the first time. Reading people is a superb way to ensure that you’re not ripped off by unscrupulous vendors or let down by a potential love interest.
Even extroverted people keep things locked inside. No one sees them except for those who know how to read them. This is about more than just tone of voice and body language. It’s about being able to tell more from just a few moments with someone than you might have ever thought possible.
It’s intriguing to find out so much about people without even having a lengthy conversation with them. When you learn why people behave in the way they do, life makes a lot more sense.
Perhaps the most intriguing part of this e-book is the consummate section on different personality patterns. We don’t spit out the letter/number combinations you could never remember, anyway. We give you plain-English terms for the various patterns found in introverts and extroverts. You’ll be naming people you know that fit in each group, even as you read.
Reading people is rewarding and it can also be fun. We hope you enjoy the ride.