(06-03-2016 03:53 AM)damador Wrote: [ -> ]btw there is option to make wp-smush-it free to pro by changing one file php false to true :)
"1/ Go to WP Repository and search for WP Smush
2/ Install WP Smush to Your WP Site
3/ Go to WP Smush plugin installation folder
4/ Go to “lib” folder
5/ Open file “class-wp-smush.php” for editing
6/ Search for “if ( empty( $api_key ) )”
7/ This function returns false, so change to true. Thats All!!! "
Thanks for another good trick, comrade. Some more reps for you :)
(06-02-2016 05:54 PM)monnoname Wrote: [ -> ]it still says 'get premium'????
So what's the verdict is it PREMIUM or not?
Thanks to the OP for the share, maxxed reps for the work but does this allow PREMIUM features or no?
I am running the service now and I still getting NOT ALLOWED...PAID PREMIUM ONLY......so either a bad null or this part not correct.......PLZ Fix or Inform as to the status.........THX ahead of time...great share (if it is what it is...)
So after a scan and country block attempts....NOTHING I am goping to say that this is not nulled at all..... Maybe I am crazy but nulled should allow me to do what the options give....and they don't.....nice try but I will pass on this product.
(06-21-2016 05:47 AM)jmurphy444 Wrote: [ -> ]I am running the service now and I still getting NOT ALLOWED...PAID PREMIUM ONLY......so either a bad null or this part not correct.......PLZ Fix or Inform as to the status.........THX ahead of time...great share (if it is what it is...)
So after a scan and country block attempts....NOTHING I am goping to say that this is not nulled at all..... Maybe I am crazy but nulled should allow me to do what the options give....and they don't.....nice try but I will pass on this product.
Go to the Wordfence>Options and refresh it... You'll see the MAGIC :)
v6.1.9 is out, any update?
public static function cbp($key){
wfConfig::set('isPaid', '1');
echo ' checked ';
change this
I will give this one more try....thx for the update.
Thanks but maz get help on this please? It is vrsion 6.1.10
In /plugins/wordfence/lib/wfConfig.php, I find this lines
public static function cbp($key){
if(self::get('isPaid') and& self::get($key)){
echo ' checked ';
How it must look after nulling?