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Pages: 1 2
rep added to OP for sharing and saving a lot of people wasted money.

WTF?? Did I miss the secret?

FFS - just when I thought warriorforum could not get any worse!
should change name to crapscamforum

Traffic = FB ads
Super Secret = ???

main product = some stupid pdf going on about what is FB Ads.

Table of Contents
Legal Terms………………………………………………………..2
Facebook and Your Business………………….…4
What is Facebook Advertising? …….7
Why Facebook Advertising…….……9
Facebook Ad Options…….….10
(a) Clicks to Website ...... 10
(b) Website Conversions Ad .... 11
© Page Post Engagement...... 11
(d) Page Likes ....... 12
Facebook App Installations and App Engagement Ads ... 15
Advertising an Event through Facebook ........ 16
Running a Facebook Offer Ad ....... 17
Ads for Video Views .............. 18
How to Set a Facebook Ad……..19
What Is Facebook CPC? ………28
How to Use Facebook CPC ....... 28
Facebook CPM Ads………30
Ad Demographics ...... 31
Split Testing Your Facebook Ad ….37

Glad I did not pay for this as I would have left a real review on his sales thread about how sh1t his wso is.

I will not waste time and bandwidth by making mirrors for this crap.
Thank you Perfect 10
Agree with BlackbirdRider - in addition, the author of this thing could have used a good dose of Grammarly.

No secret that I could find - just the same ol' FB ads for traffic. His "Book 1" is 6 pages, with only 4 pages containing text, and that text is useless except for the most beginning-level newbie who just stumbled in off the street.

His sales ad claims "all you have to do is pay $10 (for his "package" and that's it. Not true. Not when he tells you in Book 2 that you'll have to pay at least $5/day for FB ads.

Thank you OP for saving us money. Rep added.
(05-28-2016 10:58 PM)BlackbirdRider Wrote: [ -> ]rep added to OP for sharing and saving a lot of people wasted money.

WTF?? Did I miss the secret?

FFS - just when I thought warriorforum could not get any worse!
should change name to crapscamforum

Traffic = FB ads
Super Secret = ???

main product = some stupid pdf going on about what is FB Ads.

Table of Contents
Legal Terms………………………………………………………..2
Facebook and Your Business………………….…4
What is Facebook Advertising? …….7
Why Facebook Advertising…….……9
Facebook Ad Options…….….10
(a) Clicks to Website ...... 10
(b) Website Conversions Ad .... 11
© Page Post Engagement...... 11
(d) Page Likes ....... 12
Facebook App Installations and App Engagement Ads ... 15
Advertising an Event through Facebook ........ 16
Running a Facebook Offer Ad ....... 17
Ads for Video Views .............. 18
How to Set a Facebook Ad……..19
What Is Facebook CPC? ………28
How to Use Facebook CPC ....... 28
Facebook CPM Ads………30
Ad Demographics ...... 31
Split Testing Your Facebook Ad ….37

Glad I did not pay for this as I would have left a real review on his sales thread about how sh1t his wso is.

I will not waste time and bandwidth by making mirrors for this crap.

Thanks for the review
Thanks for the review
My long and detailed review:
I wouldn't pay $1 for this
Mad Slap
reps added anyway
Pages: 1 2
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