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Full Version: [GET] *** Amanda Cravens - Money Magnets ***
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I believe when you comment on a free, open and active [Get] share asking people to PM you instead of just posting what you have to add value to the share and because you've attempted to arrange a GB it comes across as if you're seeking some form of personal gain at all costs.

That's the perception people will most naturally get irrespective of your true motive.

It's a lesson learned. Everyone makes mistakes.



(05-27-2016 05:52 AM)theresaway Wrote: [ -> ]Just trying to defray some costs, that's all. Spend hundreds a week... The downloads do not have everything, at least not yet; there were 2 otos and bonuses... am I wrong to try to share costs so more can have more?
Awesome share! I love how she follows her own advice by focusing on one problem and providing one useful solution that can be completed quickly, while delivering it in a training format that follows the same criteria and gets straight-to-the-point. Now that's how you provide a product, IMO.

Thanks for the share and OTO, WorldWarrior. And for the video training and extra templates, PrimeNumber. Reps added with my pleasure.
Thanks for this good share
Reps added to you
Not a bad share to be honest with you.
WorldWarrior, this is much appreciated. Thank you for fulfilling my request. Max reps coming your way, even if you didn't ask for them.
+5 REP added for each: Happydance
WorldWarrior for original share
originall for mirror
PrimeNumber for video training and some templates
TECH N9NE for Sales Page

Thanks for sharing. Thanks
(05-27-2016 04:06 AM)WorldWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]Bought this and would like to share it with the BBHF family.

No need to PM me for a download link and I'm not going to demand that you post a comment on the thread either. Just click the link to download. Feel free to leave reps only if you're feel inclined to do so because reps have no real-world value at the end of the day...they're just a feel good thing.

Update - OTOs now added. 3 PDF Documents

Mega Download - Password is the standard forum password

OTOs (Just added) - Password is Forum Password



Perfect 10!

Thanks very much WorldWarrior!

Very much appreciated.

Left max reps whether you wanted them or not!

12days says Thanks
this is a lovely share, appreciate this alot!!!!!
Can anyone please re-upload this one?
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