05-29-2016, 07:52 AM
(05-28-2016 11:08 PM)m16011 Wrote: [ -> ]I fix it !
username: m1601@live.se
password: admin123
I logged into your setup successfully however your /moderator folder throws a 404 error.
(05-28-2016 11:08 PM)m16011 Wrote: [ -> ]I fix it !
username: m1601@live.se
password: admin123
(05-28-2016 03:11 AM)iamsurf3r Wrote: [ -> ](05-28-2016 01:46 AM)Tufaann Wrote: [ -> ]If I knew how I really would, i've been trying to fix this whole thing for days.
I am just not that adept at nulling scripts XD
main53, main54 and main55 are still working from that version which fire2000 patched.Code:
Simply look at every block which contains "hasA_license" function and also don't forget about "Successful Installation tracking".
That's not all callbacks, but it can let to bypass the license check..
I really hope it's nice software to use and buy, so maybe I'll try to check it soon.. I'm currently working with private CMS that have similar/better functionality, but the price is also higher (and new sales are closed for a long time already), though there are some big differences between them, so maybe I will use both.
pw: bestblackhatforum.com
(05-30-2016 12:52 PM)Gernavor Wrote: [ -> ]I checked the link you posted. The dashboard still calls the phpvibe api which makes them know which server you have it installed on. I didn't even bother checking the ioncubed files.
PHP Code:
Tufaann provided the files and the fix is available with callbacks removed for those who want to use it.
Fixed main55 and dashboard files
pw: bestblackhatforum.com
pw: bestblackhatforum.com
pw: bestblackhatforum.com
(05-31-2016 06:32 AM)m16011 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Gernavor, What did u change for code in dashboard.php??I removed the box that called the phpvibe api for the version check and to list available plugins. You can keep your original dashboard if you wish to see your version and the new version available on their server, but I didn't want to keep it.
update_option('softc', 'PGEgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyIgaHJlZj0iLyIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiIHRpdGxlPSIiPnRyYWRlOzwvYT4uIA==');