05-16-2016, 06:46 AM
Lorrie Morgan Fererro's
Speed Copywriting Teleseminar
(551 MB, MP3, WMV)
Speed Copywriting Teleseminar
(551 MB, MP3, WMV)
![[Image: 2d7d1ma.jpg]](http://i63.tinypic.com/2d7d1ma.jpg)
“Finally, You Can Master THE World’s Most Valuable Skill, Pump Up Your Profits, And Put Your Business On The Map…With MY Personal Help EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!”
In 8 fun classes with me by your side, you can learn…
- How to write using a formula that is effortless and easy (I confess. I follow a specific blueprint that has gotten my copy in the limelight in a relatively short period of time and I’m going to hand it all over to YOU);
- How beginners are able to compete with experts on a level playing field right away (when you have the right tools at your fingertips, it’s idiot-proof);
- How one small change to your sales letter can send your shopping cart into overdrive with new orders (better be sure you have called your merchant account before you launch your copy because you’re about to get a SPIKE in sales – it just happened to me again in April);
- How follow-up and extreme customer service will cause your competitors to drop off the planet (I will show you how I systematically manage my customers, step-by-step);
- How to get a repeatable result when you follow my method for writing a sales letter (I boiled the volumes of information overkill on this topic into the best of the best techniques you can apply right away);
- The truth behind what makes your copy “okay” versus what makes it sell like hotcakes to your target market (you may be shocked by some of the ugly secrets I’m giving up. I’ve seen it all, and I’m telling!);
- To instantly diagnose mistakes with your copy so that it works harder for you immediately and translates to dollars (I’ll share my personal check list with you);
- How to improve your writing speed no matter how difficult it was for you before (allow me to share some easy peasy ways to banish writer’s block and dramatically improve your sales)
- The 3 crucial rules of sales you must know before you can ever understand WHY someone buys (and why they DON’T);
- What background materials you need before you begin to write (or else you’re simply wasting your time);
- The hush hush resources you can use to learn more about your target market to practically read their minds (these tactics work so well I wonder if they should even be legal);
- How to scientifically profile your audience using the same methods deep pocket corporations spend millions on (again, I’m surrendering my closely-guarded checklist);
- Where to go to spy on your competition and why you MUST not ignore this step (or you’ll soon be squashed like a bug in your market);
- How to get your copy to sound natural and conversational (so you build loyalty and trust over time, making you the first person they think of when it’s time to spend money);
- Ways to get your prospect to sing like a canary about what she is dying to spend her money on (all you do is ask at the right strategic time);
- My secret to turning phrases into benefit-driven statements that attract attention (we all buy based on how we believe a product will make us FEEL);
- How to dig up the right keywords and phrases your target audience thinks of when looking for your product or service (climb into their heads – climb into their wallets);
- Why you don’t need to be a writer to write great headlines;
Learn which kinds of words stand out in headlines (and which to avoid at all costs);
- Let me show you the fastest way to uncover headlines that convert window shoppers into buyers (the headline is arguably the most critical piece of all the copy);
- Swipe all 10 of my busy-person templates for no-brainer headlines that get them reading (why reinvent the wheel when it’s been done for you already?);
- Which fonts and colors are the most compelling to use (and which ones repel the reader);
- Learn the fastest and easiest way to split test headlines. (No more guessing which headline is better);
- The little insider secret that will have you writing captivating headlines in no time! (I’ll show you exactly how on the DVD);
- What should RARELY be above your headline (yet most novices do it anyway);
- The method of chunking your copy into manageable sections (so it gets out to the world much faster);
- The Number One Rule of Copywriting you must never underestimate!
How “blind bullets” pack an extra wallop, create curiosity and entice them to buy, making your copy sell like never before;
- How making the right choices of punctuation and formatting will dramatically impact your copy (Dan Kennedy says 25% of your copy’s success depends on formatting…and I agree);
- Ways to get your target market to trust you without stooping to hype and exaggeration (blow the trust factor and they are gone forever);
- The use of psychological hot buttons and mental gymnastics that hypnotize your reader into buying;
- When to NEVER ask for the order (yet clients with less marketing savvy will insist on);
- Which instances short copy actually outperforms longer copy (yes, those times do exist);
- How to get the maximum (ethical) price for whatever it is you are selling;
And soooooo much more!
This course consists of 9 calls and 7 webinars. No bonuses are included.
Please note: there is no audio stream in webinar 4. The audio is in the corresponding mp3 file.
This teleseminar took place in February and March 2008.
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