05-16-2016, 10:05 PM
+1 You said it @tintin - this attempt at intentionally breaking BBHF Rules and trying to leech BBHF traffic was a "mess" of an idea from the start. It always has been - and always will be.
Good to see OP learn from other BBHFers how to Care + Share at the same time, without the need to break the rules and Spam and degrade this great community with such childish mickey mouse behaviour.
Too bad there are so many cowards here that oh so quickly bend over and sell-out BBHF (and any integrity they have themselves) just to get the next 'shiny object'. Classic spineless 2-faced coward - No? ;-)
Cowards who break the rules and spam BBHF and when they get caught they run and hide from the shame and guilt of people seeing threw their 2-faced decision to degrade BBHF rather than actually help Build It - cowards don't have what it takes to stand behind their actions, either to explain them intelligently or justify them with facts and evidence to showing us they are not just the cowards they have shown themselves to be thus far. LOL @ how this immature BS wasn't attempted in VIP LOL
You know the kind - too much of a coward to call out spammers and defend BBHF? The kind of coward who Reps Spammers and sucks-up to them to see how brown they can make their nose? Right? ;-) LOL @ sell-out cowards who are too scared to stand-up for BBHF but only run and hide and pretend to be BBHFers when in the end are nothing but ineffectual cowards. Penny a dozen here - Yes! :-P We all know who the True Leechers are - those whom leech off the good nature of BBHF only to turn-around and sell-out this great community for their own selfish greed. THAT's A LEECH.
PS: Also nice to see @connexionz learn from their mistakes and now start making threads again following BBHF Rules. Such corrective actions to your choice to previously break BBHF Rules speaks louder than your empty words to try and justify your attempt to Spam this place, knowing the whole time this was ALL a high school level scheme in the first place. As they say: Newbies and Spammers get edjumacated and learn something everyday :-D ...as evidence by their change in behaviour to stop Spamming now. Once again - YW ;-)
(05-16-2016 02:37 PM)tintin Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for clearing up the mess OP :)
Good to see OP learn from other BBHFers how to Care + Share at the same time, without the need to break the rules and Spam and degrade this great community with such childish mickey mouse behaviour.
Too bad there are so many cowards here that oh so quickly bend over and sell-out BBHF (and any integrity they have themselves) just to get the next 'shiny object'. Classic spineless 2-faced coward - No? ;-)
Cowards who break the rules and spam BBHF and when they get caught they run and hide from the shame and guilt of people seeing threw their 2-faced decision to degrade BBHF rather than actually help Build It - cowards don't have what it takes to stand behind their actions, either to explain them intelligently or justify them with facts and evidence to showing us they are not just the cowards they have shown themselves to be thus far. LOL @ how this immature BS wasn't attempted in VIP LOL
You know the kind - too much of a coward to call out spammers and defend BBHF? The kind of coward who Reps Spammers and sucks-up to them to see how brown they can make their nose? Right? ;-) LOL @ sell-out cowards who are too scared to stand-up for BBHF but only run and hide and pretend to be BBHFers when in the end are nothing but ineffectual cowards. Penny a dozen here - Yes! :-P We all know who the True Leechers are - those whom leech off the good nature of BBHF only to turn-around and sell-out this great community for their own selfish greed. THAT's A LEECH.
PS: Also nice to see @connexionz learn from their mistakes and now start making threads again following BBHF Rules. Such corrective actions to your choice to previously break BBHF Rules speaks louder than your empty words to try and justify your attempt to Spam this place, knowing the whole time this was ALL a high school level scheme in the first place. As they say: Newbies and Spammers get edjumacated and learn something everyday :-D ...as evidence by their change in behaviour to stop Spamming now. Once again - YW ;-)