(05-12-2016 07:30 AM)philosof888 Wrote: [ -> ]@ KeepFilesAlive
What you wanted to get is already shared in the vip section. Upgrade and you will get it
Sound interesting, philosof888. How do I upgrade?
I don't want create an off topic, answer me here or if you want PM me, please.
Is that all or anything else that I need to know or do to upgrade vip?
"No VIP? PM moderator Lala and ask for Lifetime VIP Membership. Highly recommended!"
How to Sell Your Product or Service
in 3 Seconds or Less
LAYNA'S NOTE: I want to honor the OP's username (KeepFilesAlive) by adding a mirror to (literally) keep this file alive...
Excerpted from the Preface:
This book presents an alternative to the marketing of the past.
I believe that a business can be immensely profitable and still operate with a high degree of integrity.
I write this book not only with the intention of sparing the public further mental torture performed by the marketing community, but also to help business avoid its own demise.
I predict that as the debt rate rises and consumers better educate themselves through the unprecedented access to information given by the Internet, tolerance for the marketing methods of the past will drop considerably.
An angry and educated consumer is a dangerous foe for the marketer to face.
Soon, businesses will be scrambling for alternatives.
This book presents not just an alternative, but the alternative.
This method of marketing has been proven time and again, but it has never been named. Using this method, you can literally close a deal in the mind of your prospect within the first three seconds of coming into contact with
your marketing.
I’ve named this method “The Irresistible Offer,” and the following pages deconstruct it and dissect it so that you can immediately apply it to your business for dramatic effect.
This book is your essential survival guide for the emerging business battlefield of the twenty-first century. Ignore these lessons at your own peril