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Full Version: [GET] SE0 STR1KE - May 7th Launch
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Mega link please
(05-06-2016 02:28 AM)AmitBiswas4u Wrote: [ -> ]Mega link please

Its not even 1 mb...
Oww. Thank you
IgniteFeed, thanks a lot,this was on my radar list.
Very impressive it is already here.
I'll check and see if this is worth buying. And if i found it useful then i might support Joe Bajjali's Seo Strike and spend $15 for this product.

Thanks for the share, but both downloads are the same


You can steer clear/ignore this one.
It is a mindless RIP-Off of Seamless-SEO (by Radu another rip-off producer (if that's a word)).

Why did I say mindless? Because in urgency of release they did not even properly edit the plugin PHPs, leaving references to SeamlessSEO...

(05-06-2016 04:41 AM)connexionz Wrote: [ -> ].


You can steer clear/ignore this one.
It is a mindless RIP-Off of Seamless-SEO (by Radu another rip-off producer (if that's a word)).

Why did I say mindless? Because in urgency of release they did not even properly edit the plugin PHPs, leaving references to SeamlessSEO...


I was just going to comment the exact same thing - how lazy is that Hitface

A cynical cashin of a WSO plugin from 2014 with the copy to match.

Still thanks to OP for the share Happydance
It's not a bad business plan (assuming you have no soul) because anyone who bought it as a money making model in 2014 is now broke, has given up making $$$ online, and working at Starbucks (sweeping).

They're shooting for the 'new crop' that comes along every 6 months or so.

Reps to OP!

(05-06-2016 04:57 AM)Mungo Wrote: [ -> ]I was just going to comment the exact same thing - how lazy is that Hitface

A cynical cashin of a WSO plugin from 2014 with the copy to match.

Still thanks to OP for the share Happydance
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