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Portrait Photography Masterclass - Photoshop Pro Techniques

Master your editing skills and improve your photos with best Photoshop techniques

Over 50 lectures and 5 hours of content!
fix common issues in the photos ("flat" images, washed out sky, eyes in the shadow, low contrast, lack of definition, lack of details and texture)
master the most powerful Photoshop adjustment tool- The Curves
learn how to work with masks and how to blend them in a seamless way
learn efficient and quick workflow based on Adjustment Layers
learn useful techniques to pick out details and in an intelligent way sharpen selected areas in the photo
massively improve images by applying targeted adjustments in a few simple steps
increase distinction in the photographs and add drama
work with "non destructive" techniques to further enhance the images
realise artistic vision with help of presented powerful Photoshop techniques
brighten and enhance subject's eyes
perform basic clean up on subject's skin
introduce highlights to the subject's hair
Hey, Yogendr!

I see that you have posted so many valuable links in the forum and I'm wondering how come only one post is counted under your name?

I hope this gets fixed.

Really appreciate all your active shares. Thanks a ton!!!

The Udemy posts don't count towards the total posts. Its not a bug. It was a conscious decision by the admins. Had got something to do with the number of posts contributing to Reps/seniority perhaps, and that thing got (accidently)abused due to duplicate threads, bumps maybe. Mods can explain this better.

Thanks for taking the time for the feedback. Its means a lot to me :).

Arrowhead reminds me of the Vectors we used to study in school/Physics.
Magnitude with Direction!
I miss the Resnick and Halliday days :) :)

Something still must be wrong because after replying to my post, you should have recorded a post of 2.

I hope this gets to Mods' attention. Also, that you don't get discouraged by this.

@Arrow : This reply and the one before, all are here on UDEMY Section, so won't get added to post count, duh! ;)
And that one Post, I HAVE NO IDEA... maybe they start with 1 and not zero.

If I ever disappear it would have nothing to do with posts/reps.

Now go back to finishing your course ;) :).
I'm kidding :)

Thanks again for the gesture. :) :)

And for someone else reading this, at this very moment , the coupon is still active ;)
That's really hilarious! Made my day. More of this, please... :)
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