Cheers @scorpio and @sony! [+5Reps Each]
It requests a License Key for me - Is this Nulled? ...or is this newbie missing sometime :S
Also asks me to update to 4.3 too; which I wouldn't do, but thought I would mention.
(05-07-2016 11:37 AM)Edjumacated_Bum Wrote: [ -> ]Cheers @scorpio and @sony! [+5Reps Each]
It requests a License Key for me - Is this Nulled? ...or is this newbie missing sometime :S
Also asks me to update to 4.3 too; which I wouldn't do, but thought I would mention.
Enter any key.
ex - 111111111111
Updated to 4.3
Looks like a nice share, thanks. Repped
Thanks mate! Appreciate your efforts!
Cheers @scorpio! [+10 More Reps]
Thanks for your reply to my post + thanks for updating and caring to share like a boss!!
No mickey mouse BS with you :-) The newbie rep leechers can learn a lot from your professionalism.
All the Best!
Excellent Share!
Thank You ..
I downloaded the plugin, but when I try to install it this is what I get: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature. What exactly am I doing wrong if anyone shoot some guidance?
Never mind guys I got it up and going!!
(05-18-2016 01:13 PM)mboone06 Wrote: [ -> ]I downloaded the plugin, but when I try to install it this is what I get: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature. What exactly am I doing wrong if anyone shoot some guidance?
use 7zip

Thanks for sharing, rep added