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The secrets to saving BIG from Good Morning America Consumer Correspondent Elisabeth Leamy
In this battered economy, saving money matters more to consumers than ever before. But we're tired of hearing about all the small stuff, like skipping our morning latte and installing low flow showerheads. We want BIG, bold ideas, and this book has them. In a straightforward style-with a dash of attitude-Good Morning America's Elisabeth Leamy shows you how to Save BIG on the priciest parts of your life.

In SAVE BIG (Not Small), Leamy puts saving in perspective. Her philosophy is to save a lot of money on a few things rather than a little bit of money on a bunch of things. Why give up life's little pleasures when you can save more money by attacking a few big, boring expenses instead?
Helps identify where you spend the most money so that you can save the most money. The top five costs are our houses, cars, credit, groceries, and healthcare
Written by Good Morning America Consumer Correspondent Elisabeth Leamy
Unlike most personal finance guides that stress the small stuff, every tip in this book has the potential to save you at least a thousand dollars
Filled with fresh advice and insider secrets, this book will have you saving more in less time.

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good share, thank you
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