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Full Version: [GET] [VIDEO PROOF] – Make Over $1,659.87 Per Day Using AdSense! – [1000+] Copies Sold!
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks! Great share
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Dont WASTE your time with this!
I wasted my money when i bought this so called Adsense Genius but only talk about the very very basics. Not so genius at all.
This might be pretty useful for newbie but for me i bought this from the time this was been released and i'll said "WHAT a WASTE of MONEY!!!"..

Here are the table of content: (Very BASIC)
Quote:Table of Contents
Copyright .................................................. .................................................. ......................... 2
Introduction .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 5
IMPORTANT – Read This Before Getting Started! .................................................. ............. 6
Note About Links To Resources .................................................. ......................................... 7
Overview .................................................. .................................................. .......................... 7
What is Google AdSense? .................................................. .................................................. 8
How Do I Create a Google AdSense Account? .................................................. .................. 9
What Is a Niche? .................................................. .................................................. ............ 10
How Do I Choose a Niche? .................................................. ............................................... 11
What Is a Keyword? .................................................. .................................................. ....... 16
How Do I Research Keywords? .................................................. ........................................ 16
How Do I Create a Website? .................................................. ............................................ 20
What Is a Domain Name? .................................................. ................................................ 20
How Do I Register a Domain Name? .................................................. ............................... 21
What is Domain Privacy? .................................................. ................................................. 21
How Do I Register a Domain Name With GoDaddy? .................................................. ...... 22
How Do I Register a Domain Name With NameCheap? .................................................. . 23
What Is a Web Hosting Account? .................................................. .................................... 24
How Do I Get a Web Hosting Account? .................................................. ........................... 24
How Do I Connect My Domain To My Web Hosting Account? ......................................... 26
How Do I Create E-mail Accounts For My Website? .................................................. ....... 26
How Do I Upload Files To My Web Hosting Account / Webserver? ................................. 27
What Is WordPress? .................................................. .................................................. ...... 28
How Do I Install and Configure WordPress? .................................................. ................... 28
How Do I Build a Website With Content That Is Relevant To My Niche? ......................... 29
How Do I Manually Add Content/Posts To My Blog? .................................................. ...... 37
How Do I Edit The Content/Posts On My Blog? .................................................. .............. 38
How Do I Delete The Content/Posts On My Blog? .................................................. .......... 38
How Do I Add Tracking To My Website? .................................................. ......................... 39
What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? .................................................. ................... 40
How Do I Do On-Page SEO For My Website? .................................................. .................. 40
What Type Of Theme Should I Pick For My Website? .................................................. .... 40
How Do I Get My Site Indexed In The Search Engines? .................................................. .. 41
How Do I See If My Site Is Indexed In The Search Engines? .............................................. 42
How Do I Check How Well My Pages Are Ranking In The Search Engines? ...................... 42
What is Off-Page SEO? .................................................. .................................................. ... 43
How Do I Generate Backlinks To My Website? .................................................. ............... 44
Where Can I Outsource Parts of This System To Make It Even Easier? ............................ 48
How Do I Increase My Income With My AdSense Websites? ........................................... 48
How Do I Sell An AdSense Website? .................................................. ............................... 49
How Do I See How Much Money I Have Made? .................................................. ............. 49
How Do I Manage All Of My Passwords? .................................................. ........................ 49
Additional Resources .................................................. .................................................. ..... 49

Conclusion .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 50

This should be named Adsense Basic not Adsense Genius.
Pages: 1 2
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