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Cost: $197
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I'm getting the same message
I have registered successfully. I am able to access the training. Training comprises of:
1) Digital Books
2) Teleseminars
3) Videos
4) Screen Cast Trainings
5) Seminars.
6) Hypnotic Sales Mastery Video Sessions
I am ready to share my login credentials:

Here it is:

username: ahuja_vini
pwd: Help00pri

Kindly dont change pwd. If any one can download the files and make a mirror that will be awesome. Saw few videos, trainings seems to be promising.

Still successfully be able to login and access in google chrome and mozile firefox too..
you can access lots of materials from here:
Is it stuff worthy of a download?
Thanks looks promising indeed - rep added
My Review: It contains multiple pdfs, audios and videos. I went through them briefly and I found it to be completely unstructured training. There are couple of good things, but I think you can just skim through the pdfs, rather than going it in detail.
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