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Full Version: [GET] Master Microsoft Excel Macros and VBA (FREE)
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Below are a few samples of the projects you will complete by enrolling and participating in this course.
•Automate placing and formatting a title on a worksheet
•Interact with the users of your Macros through Input and Message boxes in order to receive input on how a Macros should work
•Cleaning up multiple Excel Worksheets and prepare the data to be reported on
•Create a report based on multiple sets of data found within multiple Excel Worksheets, copying data from one Worksheet into the Master Report Worksheet
•Automate the creation of Excel Formulas to SUM data up in your Report
•Working with Excel VBA User Forms
•Importing Data from External Text Files

Each of these projects will direct you through key Excel VBA programming concepts and direct you to identify and use best practices in creating Excel Macros.

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