04-12-2016, 12:16 AM
![[Image: 51hnlW6oUUL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51hnlW6oUUL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to lose weight and how to keep it off forever, with all the diets out their one can’t help but to be confused on how to lose weight, what to eat, what workouts to use, if there are any miracle pills that we can use instead of the agonizing workouts, and when we do lose some weight why can’t we keep it off? It becomes very frustrating for most and I will be the first to admit this. So what’s the solution? Your probably thinking how is this book any different from the rest?
Well just like you I have struggled with my weight and at a young age was bullied, growing up very insecure until I sought out to find answers for myself. I used myself as a guinea pig experimenting with almost every exercise, diet, cleanse, courses and more, I even put myself in school and ended up with a nutrition background, a personal trainer, transformation specialist and more.
I wasn’t happy still and needed more opinions so I joined a very well-known and respected health and wellness company that some of the top health and wellness trainers are involved with like “Chris Powell” from the T.V serious “Extreme weight loss” and got to meet and interview some great leaders in with years and years of experience.
I needed more than a magic so called pill to help me because all the ones I have tried never worked, I took this path very serious and it became part of my life and now I want to share that information with you, what’s the true reason why we gain weight and how can we shed those pounds off forever, avoid gaining unhealthy fat, live a longer healthier lifestyle, with more confidence and never have to stress about gaining weight again.
Learn the Best Advice on Weight loss Today!
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
• Motivation to Stay Committed
• Truth Behind Processed Foods
• Water vs other beverages
• What are Whole Foods AND Where can I get them
• Loss The Most Weight Carb Cycling
• Learn How to Detox The Body To Lose Weight
• The Do’s and Don’ts of Weight loss
• Effect of Stress on The Body
• Superfood for Weight Loss