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Full Version: clients site is being marked as 'MALICIOUS' - help?
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ive got a client whose site is fine in Chrome and Firefox when relevant keywords are searched for, but when searchers use Internet Explorer, they are being warned that the site might be MALICIOUS....

...anybody have any ideas on how to solve it?

id appreciate the help

ps - background: i took the client over from another seo who had previously used the .com version of their domain name

i rebuilt the site, changed it to a version as its a british company and 301'd the .com to the

the .com had previously suffered from the same MALICIOUS warnings so yes, i could kill the 301 off as it appears to be an inherited problem from the .com, but the .com has some good link juice that i dont want to lose

pps - im thinking that setting up bing wmt/bing local might solve it but anybody have a similar experience and if so, how did YOU solve it?
It's probably Google that's flagging the site which the other flagging sites might use as a foundation.

You have to sign up for a Google Webmaster Tools account and request removal.

Then, request a review from the link below after Google unflags the site.

Also, check here for a list of secondary sites that might have you blocked as well.
(04-08-2016 01:22 AM)bambito Wrote: [ -> ]It's probably Google that's flagging the site which the other flagging sites might use as a foundation.

You have to sign up for a Google Webmaster Tools account and request removal.

Then, request a review from the link below after Google unflags the site.

Also, check here for a list of secondary sites that might have you blocked as well.

great set of answers there, thanks for getting involved - ive just rep'd you x 5 for helping me out

google search is FINE on chrome and firefox so thats why i was leaning towards bing wmt, as its their internet explorer browser thats causing the probems

stopbadware: yup, already had that checked out earlier this year

virustotal: ahhhhh.... only ever used it for zip files - didnt know we could do url's so thanks for that (just checked and my clients site is clean: 0/67)
PM the URL if you don't mind.
I get it with my site bud but it was someone I had fallen out with kept making stupid complaints so watch out for that
Reference URL's