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Dispelling the iPhone App Myths

You’re probably thinking to yourself that development of an iPhone app is an expensive, time consuming proposition. And I won’t lie to you – it can be both of those. But it doesn’t have to be.

The truth is, iPhone app development, even if you pay a designer and a coder, can often be had for under $1000. When you consider the potential ROI on that investment, it’s a no-brainer. One app developer made $40,000 in two days with his completely frivolous iFart. And he is far from the only one!

And don’t make the mistake of thinking you have to sell your app to make money, either, because the developers of free apps are cashing in, too. Advertising space on iPhone apps is a hot seller, and “lite” versions of paid apps are an incredible lead generating tool.

Finally, you don’t have to be a marketing genious to come up with a killer idea and propel it to the tops of the iPhone charts. All you need is a little insight into your market, an open mind, and a willingness to try something new. And I’m here to help you get started.

you need to know to get started, like:
How to choose your app business model - Yes, you really can make money on a free app…if you know the secret
How to find and hire a developer - Make a mistake here and it will cost you. I’ll walk you through the steps to finding a trustworthy programmer who won’t make you mortgage your home just to pay the bill
Where to get the training you need - For the do-it-yourselfer, there’s nothing better than a little iPhone app training, and I know just where to go for the most up-to-date information.

It doesn’t matter who your market is or what your app does – in fact, it doesn’t even matter if you end up not building an iPhone app at all – these basic skills will serve you well throughout your business life. But you will need some more detailed information before you can build your first app.


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