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Full Version: [F4LT] The biography of Prophet Muhammad part 1
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For any other having issues with this share, please don't make it a holy war. If yo want to know the truth, go to the original source and don't look the followers.

If you want to know about Prophet Muhammad, read His Biography first and learn about Him. Read Quran and learn about Islam first. Don't look other Muslims to know what Islam teaches.

If you want to know Christians, don't look towards Christians rather read Bible and know the truth first. Don't be judgmental all at sudden.

If you want to know about Hinduism, don't look towards Hindus rather try to read their religious books. Read Veda.

If Hitler killed 6 million Jews, should I blame to Christianity? Well NO as I know Christianity doesn't teach any negativity and same goes with Islam and other religion.

If Being RELIGIOUS has made you harsh, aggressive and judgmental then look yourself whether you are worshiping GOD or your ego.

We all are imperfect humans watched. Please live in peace and respect others. Nobody is forcing you to convince about something. It's your own.
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