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First of all thank you for this awesome share but it seems there is a signature problem here whenever i get to start it shut down and below message shown:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: adult video blaster.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 56f3c81b
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05: 4.0.30319.18408
Problem Signature 06: 52310b91
Problem Signature 07: 442a
Problem Signature 08: 105
Problem Signature 09: System.IO.DirectoryNotFound
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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My bad its working fine just i forgot to extract the folder and the problem arise.
Thanks for share.
It is working properly, at least so far
(04-02-2016 07:34 AM)tonyviroos Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for share.
It is working properly, at least so far

Np mate. Thanks
This works for me, thanks you scorpio :D great share bro ....Rep +++


[Image: imggg-4ef1d46.jpg]
VT: 4/56

Baidu HEUR.Win32.Virus.Lamer.g 20160402
DrWeb Tool.AntiCaptcha.1 20160402
NANO-Antivirus Riskware.Win32.AntiCaptcha.dtzwop 20160402
Rising PE:Malware.Generic/QRS!1.9E2D [F] 20160402
(04-02-2016 02:25 PM)sajeeb Wrote: [ -> ]VT: 4/56

Baidu HEUR.Win32.Virus.Lamer.g 20160402
DrWeb Tool.AntiCaptcha.1 20160402
NANO-Antivirus Riskware.Win32.AntiCaptcha.dtzwop 20160402
Rising PE:Malware.Generic/QRS!1.9E2D [F] 20160402

wth you changed the hash of file mf?

original hash
[Image: bf96ee9d5f.png]

I don't promote virus anywhere.

here is the scan of exe
2nd time this week that you have seriously impressed me with your shares for the community. Thanks matey. Max reps.
Thanks mate for the kind words. You will impressed further what I'm working on atm.

In queue

Supreme traffic bot
video marketing blaster.

stay tuned...Its all for this great bbhf community.
Thx scorpio, good work
btw, your sendspace link has already been posted on themelockers site
(routed thru a ouo(dot)io dl link):

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