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Full Version: Sharen v3.6 Trending Topics, viral news, stories
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[Image: GDkj0c7.png]

List of interesting topics where users publish, discuss and vote on them.

Sharen is responsive, php script, built for users want to share links, viral content, ask questions, etc. It’s easy to get up and running and edit all options with a powerful admin panel.
If you heard Hacker news website it’s something like that.

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Password: Default
How to instal ?

A Database Error Occurred

Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.

Filename: controllers/Stories.php

Line Number: 8

REP Added.. thanks!
thank you man! +rep
passwrod incorrect
you must add your database settings man in application/config/database.php

Quote:A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1146

Table 'onlyfuub_protube.posts_views' doesn't exist

SELECT `posts`.*, `users`.*, COUNT(post_comments.posts_id) AS numbercomments, COUNT(posts_votes.vote_id) AS numbervotes, COUNT(posts_views.view_id) AS numberviews, `categories_posts`.`post_id` as `postid`, `categories`.`category_slug`, `categories`.`category_name`, `categories`.`category_color`, `categories`.`id_category`, `favourites`.`posts_id` as `favourite` FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`post_by` = `users`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `post_comments` ON `posts`.`post_id` = `post_comments`.`posts_id` LEFT JOIN `posts_votes` ON `posts_votes`.`vote_postid` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `posts_views` ON `posts_views`.`view_postid` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `categories_posts` ON `categories_posts`.`post_id` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `categories` ON `categories`.`id_category` = `categories_posts`.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `posts_tags` ON `posts_tags`.`postid` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `tags` ON `tags`.`id_tag` = `posts_tags`.`tagid` LEFT JOIN `favourites` ON `posts`.`post_id` = `favourites`.`posts_id` AND `favourites`.`user_id`=0 WHERE DATE_ADD(posts.post_date,INTERVAL 24 HOUR) >NOW() AND `posts`.`approved` = 1 GROUP BY `posts`.`post_id` ORDER BY `numbervotes` DESC LIMIT 8

Filename: models/Stories_model.php

Line Number: 74
A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1146

Table 'u650003840_ongl.posts_views' doesn't exist

SELECT `posts`.*, `users`.*, COUNT(post_comments.posts_id) AS numbercomments, COUNT(posts_votes.vote_id) AS numbervotes, COUNT(posts_views.view_id) AS numberviews, `categories_posts`.`post_id` as `postid`, `categories`.`category_slug`, `categories`.`category_name`, `categories`.`category_color`, `categories`.`id_category`, `favourites`.`posts_id` as `favourite` FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`post_by` = `users`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `post_comments` ON `posts`.`post_id` = `post_comments`.`posts_id` LEFT JOIN `posts_votes` ON `posts_votes`.`vote_postid` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `posts_views` ON `posts_views`.`view_postid` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `categories_posts` ON `categories_posts`.`post_id` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `categories` ON `categories`.`id_category` = `categories_posts`.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `posts_tags` ON `posts_tags`.`postid` = `posts`.`post_id` LEFT JOIN `tags` ON `tags`.`id_tag` = `posts_tags`.`tagid` LEFT JOIN `favourites` ON `posts`.`post_id` = `favourites`.`posts_id` AND `favourites`.`user_id`=0 WHERE DATE_ADD(posts.post_date,INTERVAL 24 HOUR) >NOW() AND `posts`.`approved` = 1 GROUP BY `posts`.`post_id` ORDER BY `numbervotes` DESC LIMIT 8

Filename: models/Stories_model.php

Line Number: 74

Upload the updated database
Thanks For Share Bri I will Try Night
all credits to me Welcome
first of all,you must write .httacces
Quote:RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /sharen/index.php?/$1 [L]
script folder,if is in subdomain
Quote:RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]
and the add this to database
Quote:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `posts_views` (
`view_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`view_postid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`view_userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`view_datetime` datetime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`view_id`)
for is work ok until now,if appears anothers errors,i will post here
I get Internal Server Error when user register.
Pages: 1 2
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