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Full Version: [GET] Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Soul Travel
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Free yourself from the limitations of the earth plane and the laws of space and time. Astral Voyages presents more than 65 exercises that train you to safely leave your physical body and return unharmed from explorations of the upper astral plane and the causal, mental, or etheric realms. You might even venture to the soul plane and observe the process of selecting your next lifetime!

Dr. Goldberg unveils his paradigm of the 13 dimensions, developed from 25 years of experience with hypnotic regression, progression, and out-of-body experiences. Specific scripts train you for guided imagery astral voyage, lucid dreams, accessing the Akashic records, cabalistic projection, and advanced techniques such as the Witch''s Cradle and the 37-Degree Technique used by the ancient Egyptians. Other topics in this metaphysical book include astral entities, astral sex, astral healing, and scientific studies on astral voyaging.

Thank you and repped.
Im in with this for astral sex.
Thanks and Reps!
re-up request

All links are down, unfortunately.
Anyone "up" for a "re-up"? :D

I was looking for the ePub format, as I already found the PDF one.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks StillStanding, for the share, here is a Mega Mirror... All three versions in one zip folder PDF, Mobi, and an ePub version as requested by SubZero

Mega Mirror
(03-28-2021 08:26 AM)GalaxyQuest2 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks StillStanding, for the share, here is a Mega Mirror... All three versions in one zip folder PDF, Mobi, and an ePub version as requested by SubZero

Mega Mirror

A lot of good souls on this forum, right?
Thank you so much!
+REP added (also added +REP to OP)

The ePub book doesn't look so great, on my desktop reader:
[Image: gcHL6ZC.png]
Pretty hard to read, heh? I'm sure if I manage to read the whole book like this, I will have headaches for the rest of my life ;)

Also, when I try opening this eBook on my eReader, my eReader crashes instantly...

@GalaxyQuest2: Did you CONVERT the book from the original PDF? OR you shared the eBooks as you got them? (thanks anyway for the share!)

I sent a PM to Nancy857 (see above), she seems to have a copy in ePub... Let's see...
Pages: 1 2
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