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Hi Scorpio, can you please send me the working patch.Nice Thread Thanks anyway
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any chance to reup?
Hi Scorpio, sure would love to have this. Thanks!
(04-25-2016 06:07 PM)Cimmerian Wrote: [ -> ]SENDSPACE:
Sorry, the file you requested is not available.

any chance to reup?

Yes! The one on the first page is not working any more... Can you Scorpio update that please?
Looks like Scorpio doesn't want to share the software with ус anymore, does it? :) Link is dead and there are no mirrors...
Thanx Scorpio!!!!
Rep added for your effort!

someone already made a mirror here's the link on page #1.
the probleme to export as wordpress theme has not been fixed
(05-07-2016 12:34 PM)PandaBB Wrote: [ -> ]someone already made a mirror here's the link on page #1.

And what is the archive password? It is required.
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