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Full Version: [GET] WSO - >>1000+ SOLD<< Fix Your Niche and Offline Clunker Sites ASAP with Niche TuneUp!
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WSO of the Day
Sept. 1, 2011

If you have a website or blog that isn't ranking, getting traffic, or generating the income
you need it to, Niche TuneUp is just what the doctor ordered…

"How to Fix Up Your Clunker Sites ASAP For Maximum Traffic, Rankings, and Profits Without Pounding Your Head Against the Wall!"

[Image: ntubox2.jpg]
I created Niche TuneUp because my customers asked me repeatedly how to turn their clunker websites into money makers.

I can't do personal reviews of everyone's sites, so instead I put together an evergreen resource that you can use -- yes, really USE -- to figure out what the hell is wrong with your sites.

Here's just a taste of what you're about to discover:
  • The 2 things that every site visitor expects -- and that you're likely not giving them
  • How to find the weaknesses in your site and fix them quickly
  • How to structure you site for maximum traffic and conversions
  • Which backlinks you should build and the ones you can ignore
  • Exactly how to identify your real competition, then gut them like a fish
  • And much, much more!
Listen, this isn't sexy stuff. I'm not promising you'll make $500 in the next five days or that you'll sneeze and your site will leap to the top of the search engines.

Hopefully, you know that's all a crock.

It's not sexy, but it's very, very necessary.

If you think your competition isn't thinking this way, keep on with what you're doing. Don't make any changes…keep being fooled by the "rinse and repeat" mentality.

But if you're serious about improving your existing sites, or understanding what you really need to focus on when launching a new site, I hope you'll jump on this offer now.

You're probably thinking this is going to pinch you in the wallet. After all, the value of finally getting your site to do what it's supposed to do -- make you money -- is literally worth thousands of dollars and countless hours of time.

Don't worry, I've got you covered.

Access to Niche TuneUp is "No Brainer, Crazy Cheap"…for Now…But it Will Increase!

People have been telling me the price for this is way too low -- and I agree! So we are going to have a price increase TOMORROW!

If you're asking, "Why are you practically giving this away?" I get it.

Listen, I have a reputation of over-delivering in a very big way. It's how I roll. I've bought too many products myself (for a whole lot more) that made big promises and delivered on none. That ain't me.

I want you to LOVE my products! I want to keep receiving emails and testimonials that tell me how much value I'm bringing to people's lives.

Why? Because it motivates me to keep going! It makes me work even smarter (not harder) with each new solution I bring to the table!

Are you with me?

And to remove any lingering doubts...



Niche TuneUp - 5 pdfs [Image: cool.png]
Bill Guthrie




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VT Virus Scan

SHA256: 2a419cc15e5c850fed6bd54ee58b1dc47b412c994619b67a66 7b091a69e7d88e
File name: NicheTU.rar
Detection ratio: 0 / 43
Analysis date: 2012-03-13 23:09:13 UTC ( 9 minutes ago )

CONTENTS: [Image: smile.png]

Niche TuneUp Main Guide - Bill Guthrie - 67 pages pdf

Niche TuneUp Mindmap pdf

Niche TuneUp Site Linking Structure pdf

Niche TuneUp Success Checklists pdf

Niche TuneUp Resources pdf


Reference URL's