09-11-2011, 02:34 PM
OVER 1000 COPIES SOLD!!![[Image: PLRMAKEOVERMASTERSEDITIONHeader.jpg]](http://coolwso.com/wp-content/images/PLRMAKEOVERMASTERSEDITIONHeader.jpg)
"Get 8 WSOs for 1 Price While I FLIP a PLR</acronym> Product in Front of Your Eyes!"
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![[Image: plrmakeoverproductME.png]](http://coolwso.com/wp-content/images/plrmakeoverproductME.png)
![[Image: PLRMAKEOVERMASTERSEDITIONHeader.jpg]](http://coolwso.com/wp-content/images/PLRMAKEOVERMASTERSEDITIONHeader.jpg)
"Get 8 WSOs for 1 Price While I FLIP a PLR</acronym> Product in Front of Your Eyes!"
![[Image: button_5465.png]](http://www.warriorplus.com/buy/button_5465.png)
![[Image: qtyleft_5465.png]](http://www.warriorplus.com/buy/qtyleft_5465.png)
![[Image: plrmakeoverproductME.png]](http://coolwso.com/wp-content/images/plrmakeoverproductME.png)
"Watch LIVE as I FLIP a PLR</acronym> Product in Front of Your Eye's!
Exactly WHO will NEED This?
Anyone with a TON of PLR</acronym> on their Hard Drive and it is collecting DUST instead of those wonderful "Notification of Payment Received" emails.
Anyone with a TON of PLR</acronym> on their Hard Drive and it is collecting DUST instead of those wonderful "Notification of Payment Received" emails.
[b]What Do You Get?[/b]
- (10) + Videos watching me FLIP a PLR</acronym> LIVE in your face. I talk about everything from choosing PLR</acronym>
(the secret sauce) to pricing and positioning strategies. The KILLER
PART? You get to see me actually build a product I am using BEFORE I
launch it. This isn't case study it is LIVE study. - Mindmap of the actual video
- An amazing Follow up CASE STUDY This is the actual behind the scene view of a launch BEFORE it happens.
[b]PLUS MAJOR Bonuses
(7) WSOs for 1 Price [/b]
[b]And Here is HOW You Get Them
5 and 6 Figure a Month Earners!
Some of the Bonuses require email signups
(7) WSOs for 1 Price [/b]
[b]And Here is HOW You Get Them
5 and 6 Figure a Month Earners!
Some of the Bonuses require email signups
- John S. Rhodes and Jay Boyers #1 Selling WSO</acronym> Plug and Play PLR</acronym>!
- Maria Gudelis HIT WSO</acronym> Boo Yaa Back End Dollars System which is unavailable to the public right now.
- Private access to PLR</acronym> Makeover the original:You can't get this on the web (not the complete version anyways laugh). PLUS you will be grandfathered into the release of PLR</acronym> Makeover 2.0 in October
- Shhh Secret PLR</acronym> Interview with a TOP PLR</acronym> Warrior
- JUST ADDED EXCLUSIVE: Six Figure a month earner Jason Fladlien just SPILLED THE ENTIRE GAME of PLR</acronym>. This Bonus has NEVER BEEN HEARD ANYWHERE. You will be the FIRST.