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Full Version: [GET] WSO - (Darren Scott Monroe) 1000 COPIES SOLD! PLR Makeover Masters Edition LIVE
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"Get 8 WSOs for 1 Price While I FLIP a PLR</acronym> Product in Front of Your Eyes!"

[Image: button_5465.png][Image: qtyleft_5465.png]

[Image: plrmakeoverproductME.png]

"Watch LIVE as I FLIP a PLR</acronym> Product in Front of Your Eye's!

Exactly WHO will NEED This?

Anyone with a TON of PLR</acronym> on their Hard Drive and it is collecting DUST instead of those wonderful "Notification of Payment Received" emails.

[b]What Do You Get?[/b]
  • (10) + Videos watching me FLIP a PLR</acronym> LIVE in your face. I talk about everything from choosing PLR</acronym>
    (the secret sauce) to pricing and positioning strategies. The KILLER
    PART? You get to see me actually build a product I am using BEFORE I
    launch it. This isn't case study it is LIVE study.
  • Mindmap of the actual video
  • An amazing Follow up CASE STUDY This is the actual behind the scene view of a launch BEFORE it happens.

[b]PLUS MAJOR Bonuses

(7) WSOs for 1 Price

[b]And Here is HOW You Get Them


5 and 6 Figure a Month Earners!

Some of the Bonuses require email signups
  • John S. Rhodes and Jay Boyers #1 Selling WSO</acronym> Plug and Play PLR</acronym>!
  • Maria Gudelis HIT WSO</acronym> Boo Yaa Back End Dollars System which is unavailable to the public right now.

  • Private access to PLR</acronym> Makeover the original:You can't get this on the web (not the complete version anyways laugh). PLUS you will be grandfathered into the release of PLR</acronym> Makeover 2.0 in October
  • Shhh Secret PLR</acronym> Interview with a TOP PLR</acronym> Warrior
  • JUST ADDED EXCLUSIVE: Six Figure a month earner Jason Fladlien just SPILLED THE ENTIRE GAME of PLR</acronym>. This Bonus has NEVER BEEN HEARD ANYWHERE. You will be the FIRST.

And More SURPRISES coming!!!




thanks for the share
sound good, thanks for your great efforts
help me now
thanks for the share
OK. Thanks for this.
Great share, thanks
nice trick
Thanks for the share.
Great share
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