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Full Version: [GET]: Stratus v1.1.1 - App, SaaS and Product Showcase WP Theme
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Stratus is a premium WordPress theme, designed specifically for App and SaaS companies, startups, product development companies, and businesses with a specific focus on lead generation, product and service showcasing as well as all the important features you need to make your business successful.

VERSION 1.1.1 – FEB 26, 2016

New Features:
Added different cart icon options
Added option to hide cart icon

Updates and Fixes:
Corrected styling for checkout table changes in WC 2.5
Corrected bug where cart icon appeared the wrong color
Corrected bug where menu font typography setting has no effect
Corrected bug with mailto links added as social media links
Fixed bug where sticky nav is overlapped by transparent header on scroll up
Corrected styling for top bar right margin
Improved support for Yoast SEO / Metabox plugin
Fixed tab wrap shortcode bug
Improved spacing for CTA with two buttons

[Image: dmTmPPH.jpg]



Download: 6.39 MB

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Password as usual.

Thanaponth B.
Thanks guys.
Both reppedd++

also, any chance of the latest update?
Anyone have the latest update :)
Yeah mate this looks awesome, anyone for the bump?
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