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“Imagine Making (Insert Your Need Here) by Owning (Insert Any Number Here) Easy to Set Up, Easy to Run, Tiny $500 Dollar a Month Streams of Cash!”

I want you to imagine with me for a moment…

Imagine owning 5, 10, 15, or more tiny, easy to set up, easy to run cash streams that you can dip into at any point in time.

What would that do for you?

See, most people when they start off trying to make money online, they dive into the most difficult and time consuming businesses known to man:

- Affiliate marketing – UGH (little money for lots of work)
- Product Creation – UGH (lots of time and risks involved)
- Search Engine Optimization - DOUBLE UGH (lots of time, lots of risk, constant worry about GOOGLE)

Why, oh why, oh WHY?

Scratch that Crap. I have a better idea.

Why not instead, start up a tiny little income stream, then grow it to $500 a month, and then add another income stream, and another, and another…duplicating until you have all the money you need?

And why not take it even further?

Why don’t you ONLY start up little income streams that have these qualifications?

1. Extremely Easy to Set Up. (No/Small website, Traffic is easy/viral in nature/no product to create…)
2. Extremely Easy to Manage (basically autopilot or autopilot as can be)
3. Can Be Easily Passed Off to Someone Else

Wouldn’t it make sense to do this?

We make this internet marketing thing to be SO hard, but it doesn’t have to be. And I’m going to show you why and how inside:

The Easy MultiCash System

Inside this 28 Page Report, I’m going to show you how to:

- Find EASY to Set Up and EASY to Manage Autopilot Businesses – They only require you to work just a few minutes (to at most) a few hours a day.

- How to “Extract Yourself” From the Business.

- Plus, I give you 6 Specific Examples of good “MultiCash” business systems.

The best part of all, these income streams are perfect for someone starting out.

Most of the income streams have these qualifications:

- No website (or small, “free” websites or simple wordpress sites)

- Little/No SEO work.

- No need to make an info product. (Though, there are a few things I talk about inside with this)

- Are SIMPLE to Run (No email lists to manage, no complicated technology to mess with)

And the best part is? You only need to make $500 a Month from each one!

How much is $500 a month?

Well, it all depends on things…for example, one method (that doesn’t require a website, and 90% of the hard work is done for you), 500 a month is 9 sales at $57 apiece. Just 9 Tiny Sales – and those sales doesn’t require a sales letter, traffic, and can be started for only $40 (no, it isn’t “WSO” – that would violate the “no info product” rule)

Once you hit 9 sales a month, you “tie it off” and begin work on the next income stream.

“Wait Rob, Isn’t This Counter to Common Sense…Wouldn’t You Want to Build These Bigger, or Just Focus On A Few, or Just One?”

Normally I would say yes – you don’t want to jump from one thing to another…but this is slightly different.

You aren’t “jumping” to something different until you are making 500 a month and it looks to continue.

Then, you can begin to diversify your income – and having multicash streams, you are much safer from a catastrophic breakdown, if it happens.

Plus, these streams become fully automated, with you not working on them at all – so you can focus on the next.

Finally, there is no reason for you to stop at $500. You could continue to grow it to whatever income you wish. $500 is just a good number that gives you a starting income.



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