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WP FileJuggler
introduces proficient file management for WordPress. It is our sweet little maiden for all the lazybones among you. WP FileJuggler elegantly substitutes for your FTP program and relieves you of that ‘extra’ password hassle.

WP Shorties
Is our tiny gift to the affiliate community. Tiny in size, but high in value. Shorties streamlines countless and endless URL’s into neat little formulas that you can remember any time and everywhere. Something to tune up your elevator pitch.

WP SlideUp
Place your banners in a way that they actually catch the eye. Let your ads rise to the occasion where you want them and when you want them.

WP Thesaurus
Fly low to stay high. Autoblogger’s favorite wording machine strikes at the best moment: when you publish in Wordpress WP-Thesaurus compares your source material with your customizable dictionary and replaces words accordingly.

WP LiveStats
Catch traffic spikes as they happen! WP-LiveStats is another fundamental tool from our collection of free web marketing plug ins. Nobody in this business can exist without instantaneous analysis, and so can’t you.

WP Peel Off
WP-Peel off is a free and super simple wordpress plugin with a totally straightforward purpose: to pull people on your target site. Hardly anybody can resist the temptation to finger stuff. “Play drive” is an inherited trait of humanity.

WP Nibbler
Introduces you into the wonderful world of the Internet marketer’s deadly sins. If you want to be modest, it allows you to just nibble. But we don’t limit you, so feel free to gorge where you really can have your fill: at Yahoo Answer, one of world’s largest databases.

WP Tuber
Nurtures your sites with tubed video content. The nurturing tubes directly stem from YouTube. So if your ideas are weak or not flowing, don’t get a headache, switch on WP Tuber, and have YouTube born videos pumped in.

WP Automailer
This is a free spamming tool to induce loads of first contacts with minimal effort - every black hat loves this bread and butter slave. Just enter your target keywords, create a customized mail template, shoot - Automailer will send emails to websites that got.

WP Importer
If you want to make a single buck using wordpress, you need to have this plugin at hand. Of all the little tools available within the WordPress community, this one is the most essential because it helps you build big sites in no time.

WP Spin Engine
WP Spin Engine is an essential tool in the wordpress universe for site building sorcerers. WP Spin Engine allows us to spawn a large volume of unique content. Embedded in the right environment, we can do that in almost no time from our self-defined text including html.




File name: YTJSODRQ3R
Submission date: 2011-08-16 13:03:06 (UTC)
Current status: queued queued analysing finished
Result: 0/ 43 (0.0%)
anyone can reup?
free plugin ?
These are free plugins, no need of a mirror
Please provide a real link and not some social statement and I will download
All the plugins are available at
My browser(s) go nuts when I go to that site now. Something about malware from a .RU site...

Anyone else getting this?
Reference URL's