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X-Rated Traffic Strategy
How I generate thousands of free hits to sexy photo blogs.

[Image: brad.jpg]
Dear Warrior

On February 8, 2011 I ran a one hour traffic master class in Los Angeles for people in the online adult entertainment business.

What did I teach them?
  • How to build profitable auto blogs using images
  • How to automate e-mail delivery
  • How to generate traffic that grows exponentially
  • How this ties into a larger SEO strategy
  • How to monetize it all
Here are some quotes from industry publications and blogs.

"Prior to the event, Gosse told XBIZ that attendees would receive the knowledge they need to build a blog that updates automatically every day for a full year, and to be able to rank it on Google for their desired niche.

With the event now concluded, it is clear that attendees received a whole lot more."

"if you see Brad Gosse having a Traffic class at one, it should be on your must do list."

What are Warriors Saying?

Originally Posted by Steve Peters Benn [Image: viewpost.gif] Ok, I've just completed the video - this is MASSIVE Brad, massive. I think it's very well presented, the content compelling and I cannot see how this video couldn't benefit every warrior.

The tip on email was outstanding - the commentary on VAs - solid gold, and thats assuming that someone couldn't get something out of the main content - which I think we all could adapt if we are open minded enough not to be offended 'out of pocket'.

These people paid hundreds to see my talk.
[Image: crowd.jpg]
What am I selling?
You will be downloading a 350 MB MPEG-4 video containing my slide presentation and the actual audio including questions and answers from the seminar.

What will it teach you?
Maybe a new way to generate traffic, maybe an opportunity to get into the adult business, or maybe it will inspire you to think differently.

Essentially it's a course showing how I generate millions of hits using Autoblog's and Flickr. It's part of a larger strategy to rank a single site at the top of Google. I used this exact strategy to rank a website number one for the word porn on Google.

Is the content explicit?
If you've never purchased anything from me before you should know I do swear a lot in my talks. This being a presentation for the adult industry it is extremely mature in nature and contains a few slides that will offend almost anyone. If you are easily offended this is not for you.

WSO Salespage:

X-RATED Traffic Strategies - Evergreen traffic Download:

File name: XKUIB2VO7L
Submission date: 2011-08-30 19:18:06 (UTC)
Current status: queued queued analysing finished
Result: 0/ 44 (0.0%)

Brad Gosse Dating System Download:

File name: index.html
Submission date: 2011-08-29 21:26:21 (UTC)
Current status: queued queued analysing finished
Result: 0/ 44 (0.0%)
can you reupload the X-RATED Traffic Strategies - Evergreen traffic
can anyone reup the "workshop.rar" file that is 77.84mb? thanks a lot
Guys, this share was made by a BOT so I think it's not possible for us to get a reply. I hope someone else can upload this for you guys.
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