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Full Version: Many Mansions: The EDGAR CAYCE Story on Reincarnation
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Thousands of microfilms filed at the Association for Research and Enlightenment at Virginia Beach testify to EDGAR Cayce's ability to diagnose, prescribe for, and cure the ills of people whose names and locations he was given, but whom he had never seen. Known as "The Miracle Man of Virginia Beach," his successes astonished medical authorities--and the world.
[Image: mans.jpg]

Many Mansions is Dr. Gina Cerminara's account of these healings--and an affirmation of the age-old belief in reincarnation. She tells how Cayce saw past the barriers of space and time, how he penetrated the "previous" lives of his subjects, and performed the fantastic cures and prophesies that made him the most remarkable clairvoyant in modern history.
Top Customer Reviews:
"I still remember how I 'accidentally' discovered this book in the summer of 1972 when I was supposed to do my education dissertation.I spent days carefully reading Many Mansions and at the end of it my whole perspective on life had changed. Dr. Cerminara is logical and thorough.
Very few people can read this with an open mind and not be changed by its world view.
There was also a personal 'happening' with the book. While I was re-reading it a second time in 1973 it disappeared for a few days.
Later my father returned it with the laconic comment:" She's right.We live many lives."
I was surprised because we were a Catholic family and I didn't want to cause waves with my new found views.
In December of that year my father died. I was able to accept his death as one more journey since I felt reassured by his comment. I knew that he was alive but in another dimension.This thought was rewarded by a very vivid dream soon after his death.
One night I dreamt him holding a candle. He told me I should light one to symbolise the continuation of life. Then he disappeared in a rushing wind.
I sudddenly awoke to find the window near to my bed wide open. I had carefully closed it before I had gone to bed because my mother had reminded me to do so. Also a prized framed photo of my father lay broken on the floor.I felt that somehow my father had reached out to confirm what he had said about Cerminara's book.
I think many will be comforted when they read this book. The examples of the subtlety and complexity of the law of karma will stun many.
Dr.Cerminara allowed me to look beyond many experiences I have had in this life and intuit what karmic lessons I needed to learn.
I am delighted that this book is still available. Reading it could change your view of life and its purpose.."

"Decades ago, when I was just 17, I had become despondent and angry about life and the whole universe - why would a loving god let some children be born deformed and handicapped, into miserable abusive lives, even to die in childhood...but then let others be born beautiful, strong and blest, "with silver spoons in their mouths"? Why did I have a raging alcoholic mother, an insensitive runaway father, and no hopes of going to a prestigious college, while some of my classmates had TV-perfect parents, a pre-paid education at Harvard, and a new car as a high-school graduation gift?
And the church insisted that we each only get one brief shot at life, and then it was heaven or hell for all eternity. That deeply violated every sense of fairness in my being. What about "all men were created equal"?? That "stupid statement" certainly didn't appear to be true at all!
Distraught, I was wandering through the library one day, desperately praying inside that if a greater goodness, a real Universal Love, was listening to me, please let me find out what and where it was - please speak to me, please explain the real meaning behind all this apparent monstrous unfairness of life...and suddenly there was a bright green book on the shelf in front of me, among other books that seemed to have no color. Across the spine, it read "Many Mansions by Gina Cerminara".
Without any hesitation, I pulled it out of the stacks, sat down at the nearby table, and had already "consumed" half of it when the lights of the library were flicked off and on and the librarian shouted "closing time". I quickly checked it out, rushed home, and devoured the rest of the book that evening.
"YES!!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!!" I shouted in my head. "THANK YOU, GOD!!!" I wept for joy.
This book literally turned my whole life around. Dr. Cerminara had presented Edgar Cayce's astounding (but vast and complex) materials with such clarity and order that, in one evening, it straightened out a messed-up 17-year-old boy's convoluted mind, one who had contemplated suicide - and he emerged the next morning like a joyous butterfly from the long prison of a hideous, dark cocoon."
DL :
Thanks for the share.

Years ago I enjoyed reading Edgar Cayce material.

Max reps added.
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