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Full Version: [GET] Wordpress Autoblog Adult Videos Plugin by X-Vids
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Turn any Wordpress website into an automated tube porn website using our custom built plugin in just a couple of minutes.

This plugin will periodically check for newly added videos on X-Vids and will add them to the proper category on your blog.

All of the autoblogged posts contain the title of the video as the post title, the video embed code and description as the post content and tags are generated according to the content of the video.

Plugin Download Page

Perfect 10
thanks for the share
Thank you , REPs given
Thank you for this, I'll check it out on one of my spare domains. +reps
Please tell me which theme is perfect for this plugin. It works very well but none mo my theme is compactable with this type of post.

is it possible to update , link is dead

thanks Thanks
How can I get RSS of a website
i havent tested the plugin, but you probably need a custom post type to insert the iframe and show the video.

(06-26-2016 08:34 AM)shams7345 Wrote: [ -> ]Please tell me which theme is perfect for this plugin. It works very well but none mo my theme is compactable with this type of post.{category} (eg:

(09-22-2016 12:01 AM)orjiakor Wrote: [ -> ]How can I get RSS of a website

Check now. Probably was overloaded before I refactored the content server.

(09-04-2016 05:58 PM)chtibill Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

is it possible to update , link is dead

thanks Thanks

(04-23-2016 04:40 PM)d69mx Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for this, I'll check it out on one of my spare domains. +reps
I'm new at this forum. Can you update the link?
Pages: 1 2
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