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(03-24-2016 08:35 AM)LoganLadue Wrote: [ -> ]Way to go for you and coke, finally someone found it but sadly i do think that the application is web based.

Nope, it is a load of iframes chucked together with some keyword searches
which you can replicate yourself with some open chrome tabs and text list
words ;-)
(03-24-2016 08:41 PM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-24-2016 08:35 AM)LoganLadue Wrote: [ -> ]Way to go for you and coke, finally someone found it but sadly i do think that the application is web based.

Nope, it is a load of iframes chucked together with some keyword searches
which you can replicate yourself with some open chrome tabs and text list
words ;-)

Ya I watched the videos and it is some software and not a web based.
Mirror (including the webinar):
Magic Button :!rQslxZJC!nLiKsxuAWncLJcjkeQ4_X8MlvePi7G19Zt517vnKRB0
(03-25-2016 01:59 AM)originall Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror (including the webinar):
Magic Button :!rQslxZJC!nLiKsxuAWncLJcjkeQ4_X8MlvePi7G19Zt517vnKRB0

I was going to do the same but still wanting to find the software before I do that.
Any luck finding the software?
Why does no one want to share this software? This software is a highly requested in this forum and I am sure some members of this forum have it. Why not share it?
(03-25-2016 10:22 AM)Bawsrawr Wrote: [ -> ]Why does no one want to share this software? This software is a highly requested in this forum and I am sure some members of this forum have it. Why not share it?

I'm pretty sure if someone had it and it was shareable, then it would have been shared by now.

Also since you've never shared anything here then perhaps a little more gratitude and respect would be in order!
I asked about the software with the creator and this is what I got:

The Domainer Elite is a web based software. We find that this is the most convenient for our clients and also we update the expired domains daily. Let us know if you have any other questions. We are happy to help.
Looks intriguing ...
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