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Since earliest times, humanity has pondered the incomprehensible mysteries of the universe, life...and the afterlife. In The Stairway to Heaven, the second book of Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles series, the author answers these fundamental questions: Was there somewhere on Earth where, after death, mortal man could join the immortal Gods? Where was this place? By whom was it established? And does it still exist today? After years of painstaking research--combining recent archaeological discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts--Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of the Gods, and provided astounding new revelations about the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysterious monuments whose true meanings and purposes have been lost for eons.

[Image: stair.jpg]

Combining the enigma of the Pyramids with legends of human attempts to ascend like gods to Heaven in search of immortality, he delves into the lives of the pharaohs of Egypt, who taught how to travel the Route of the Gods to the "eternal afterlife"; the Sumerian king Gilgamesh, who journeyed to distant lands in his quest to "scale heaven" and ward off his mortal fate; Alexander the Great, who believed he was actually the son of a god; and Ponce de Leon, who explored Florida in search of the legendary Fountain of Youth. Finally, he leads us along the gaze of the Sphinx, the "Sacred Guide," for remarkable insight into the archetypal search for eternal life.

“Well researched and persuasive ... Sitchin brings to this book' the logic and scholarship so often lacking. . . . He demonstrates the flaws in established theories about pyramid builders and exposes a few ancient hoaxes.”
--Library Journal
In this second entry in the Earth Chronicles series, Sitchin focuses on man's eternal and perpetual search for immortality and ties his findings in with his theories of ancient Sumer and the Annunaki who originally colonized earth. In particular, he discusses Alexander the Great's desperate search for a way to escape an early death as well as Gilgamesh's epic search for everlasting life; more importantly, he provides a map of their quests, identifying their most important destinations with the ancient Sumerian sites he wrote about in The 12th Planet. Basically, the ultimate destinations of the men of legend corresponded to the areas from which the Annunaki journeyed back and forth between earth, their orbiting spacecraft, and their home planet. Having described an intricate grid system accounting for the specific locations of the ancient cities both before and after the Deluge, he makes some fascinating arguments..
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Thanks for the share, +5 Reps Added!

Yes, more of the series!


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