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[ Version 6.7.1 ] // Nulled theme zipped inside//

- new: Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version 4.11.2
- new: Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version

[ Version 6.7 ]

- new: Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version 4.11
- new: Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version 5.2.2
- fix: Theme Panel fixed the structure for categories that have multiple branches(subcategories with their own subcategories)
- fix: Visual Composer 4.10 - Video Player resize problem for aspect ratio 4:3 and 2.35:1
- fix: removed some old Visual Composer detection code from td_wp_booster_functions.php, it was causing an error in certain cases
- fix: improved the Visual Composer detection code inside the default page template file, it was triggered when the shortcodes didn't have unique names(ex. Woocommerce shortcodes)
- improvement: Authors box widget/block - added user roles option, now you can set it to display only the desired role(s) -
- other: to keep the theme size under 8MB we removed the Revolution Slider install from the Newspaper->Plugins section. You have to install it manually -
- other: removed unused code from "page-pagebuilder-title.php" template file

well that one complete my top ten themes from themeforest collecion :) well i own over 40 now :) expect updates ... fast updates :)

Yes its duplication just like with enflod or betheme but other cant keep updates in reasonable time
Wow..great share again! Rep+.
It's stupid but i want to know it's purchased or null?
Perfect 10
all my files are purchased and come straight from download on themeforest :)
(03-23-2016 07:09 AM)teatea Wrote: [ -> ]Virus detected!

Recently Damador's quote above
"all my files are purchased and come straight from download on themeforest :)"

False positive again from VT, I hope.
Hi Damador!
I did use this theme and really love it.but i have a newbie-question,can i use it without activation?? Or have any chance for null-version?? I did see you make some themes and plugins tobe nulled...can you do it with newspaper theme?
Anyway,thanks so much for great share! Rep+ again!
(03-25-2016 09:22 PM)dccountrydz Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Damador!
I did use this theme and really love it.but i have a newbie-question,can i use it without activation?? Or have any chance for null-version?? I did see you make some themes and plugins tobe nulled...can you do it with newspaper theme?
Anyway,thanks so much for great share! Rep+ again!

umm sounds like a friday challenge :) let me check
no challenge :) theme works without registering - code is needed for support
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