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Full Version: [GET] The Local Niche Domination Sales System - Billy Gene
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As discussed and requested in this thread


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This $27 course shows how Billy Gene uses facebook ads to attract and close new clients for his local FB ad services.

It consists of 8 videos which basically outline his funnel

It's all you need

One $37 OTO was templates and scripts...all or most of which are revealed in the original product or the webinar linked above.

The second $97 OTO is for direct coaching with Billy Gene.


Comments on the above webinar replay (copied from the [REQ] thread...)

It culminates in an offer for his $997 coaching program. It's based on systematizing your business to make it easier to scale.

It's worth the watch...

FYI-all the info from the OTO is contained in the first product and this webinar.

For of the items in the OTO is a checklist. He shows the checklist in the webinar...take a screenshot.

The OTO basically gives you the stuff packaged up with a bow...but the info is already out there for the most part.

His prospecting system has some elements that are worth copying...but be warned his system is NOT a cheap way to get clients and isn't really about going from 0-10 clients but more how to make that next step after you establish some success.

Take elements of his course and apply it to your own situation.

If you follow Cooch he has railed about getting paid for activity and NOT results...he says that's the way to go....Billy Gene says the opposite.

Go figure...Cooch would promote someone that says exactly the opposite of what he do the math...Cooch does ;)
AWESOME share SpiritDude... THANKS!!! +5 Reps Added!!!
Thank you SpiritDude. You're the man.

Max reps added..

Thanks very much!! Rep. Added +5
Awesome share, SpiritDude. Thanks a lot + rep!
Very Nice. Thanks. Max reps
Nice share! Thank You! M A X R E P S+++++
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Thanks OP!
good share @spirit! max reps
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