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Full Version: [REQ] Does any tool exists for copying from protected Pdf?
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Does anyone know if there is a tool or a program or even a method to copy and paste from a protected Pdf or ebook? Thanks
Photoshop, Foxit, sometimes Libre Office
foxit cant! also i have ebook converter pro and also calibre nothing works!!
they cant remove DRM protection
It can be unprotected. Upload the pdf to a file sharing service, I will unprotect it for you.
Quote:It can be unprotected. Upload the pdf to a file sharing service, I will unprotect it for you.

Ohh that sounds good, I will try that a little bit later, just need to go out now for a hour.

Thanks, I greatly appreciate your help
Ricardito I have sent you a pm - Thank you
Thanks Ricardito, rep added
(03-22-2016 01:17 AM)Ricardito Wrote: [ -> ]It can be unprotected. Upload the pdf to a file sharing service, I will unprotect it for you.

can you share tip?
can you share tip?

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