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Full Version: [GET] Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs
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[Image: 412ZBN0VPWL._SX269_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

This is the deepest investigation and dialog ever made about some breakthrough footage that was filmed by NASA. This footage records high numbers of disc shaped objects, ambiguously classified, and until now, unidentifiable as any known phenomenon. He proves how the NASA footage shows intelligent craft through the process of elimination of other plausible phenomena; fundamental principles of faster than light technology and corroborating evidence found on the disc shaped objects; links to the supposed spacecraft and an identifiable star system. Foreword by film celebrity Dan Aykroyd.

nice UFO share
interesting share, thanks
thanks for the UFO share
Thanks to StillStanding for NASA UFOs material..
+5 REP given..

Why are aliens allowed to run around at will in their UFOs and kidnap people and conduct medical experiments on them?
It's a disgrace what they get away with..
reup request

Fascinating stuff, thanks for the new link.
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