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Full Version: [GET] [PURCHASED] MAMMOTH collection of high resolution stock photos with transparent background - DIRECT LINKS
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(03-20-2016 12:32 PM)dorg Wrote: [ -> ]
Animals, Architecture, Birds, Business, Communication, Computers, Education, Flowers, Food, Fruit, Gestures, Health Industry, Miscellaneous, Musical, Nature Objects, Sports, Transportation, Travel and Places, People

Presentation Templates, Promotional Video Templates

MEGA link thanx to rush4gold (post nr.18):

(i am re-installing the server, so if you have troubles downloading from the MEGA links, just drop me a message, and i will find a way to help)

MAX +rep added for spending your own bank and allowing others
to try these out ;-)


Be very careful if you do use any of these *royalty free* images on your
websites or in your online projects.. just one single DMCA notice and ISP
fine in the thousands of $'s will end your hosting relationship!!!

Best way to use these, is to repurpose them ALL and rename them ALL
so that you are able to keep them unique.. would suggest you remove
ALL the exif and image properties so that if you do upload them to your
sites, the footprints Google uses to map images, are not so easy to find
from anyone who owns the copyright or model releases on ANY of the
I followed your link over here from the OP post that was a lot of BS to get the links....

Thanks for killing that and not doing the "Leave a comment and I'll send you the links" type of stuff.

This is happening more and more on the board and we have got to kill this type of action quickly.

Thank a bunch Dorq for the share and for not making us jump through a hoop like a dog!!!

+5 Reps - Thank you very much for this awesome share!
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