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Full Version: [GET] Diji-Ninja Amazon S3 Bucket Finder Tool
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Hi, everyone. I don't know how to use this tool but someone here may find it helpful and give the rest of us some insight.

By the developer's own description, it is a php application that finds Amazon S3 Buckets by name or other parameters. Basically, you feed it a few words and it goes to work searching for buckets that match. Then it determines if the buckets are public or private. Then, if public, where the files are within the directory.

He says it's a fairly simple tool. All it needs is a word list. There is a link within the content to a site (Packetstorm) where you can download word packets.

If this is something you're interested in I'd advise you to read the developer's site first and then try it (unless you already know how to do this). I don't.

Read more about it here:

What's in Amazon's Buckets:
Magic Button :

Analyzing Amazon's Buckets:
Magic Button :

Packetstorm Word Packets (Downloads)

Magic Button :

Get it here:

Magic Button :

Magic Button :

Virus total: 39448/

File name: bucket_finder_1.1.tar.bz2
Detection ratio: 0/56
Analysis date: 2016-03-20 02:04:08 UTC (0 minutes ago)

As always, reps are appreciated.


P.S. - I double-checked the forum search for this and it came up empty. If it's here already, oh well.
its not a php script bro. its made with ruby rails.
@charmaine: Thanks for the info. As I mentioned, I am not familiar with this but I thought someone else would be. I got my information from the developer's own site; so he must not know that this isn't a php script.

And I'm a lady, by the way. Not a bro. With a name like Charmaine, I'd think you were, too. But I could be wrong.

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