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Your essential guide to mastering Photoshop Elements – instantly improve your images with 220 pages of expert image-editing advice. On sale now! FREE for BBHF users! Teach yourself Photoshop Elements will help you instantly improve your images: 220 pages of expert image-editing advice. for photoshop elements up to version 13

looks like this has not been shared yet, this is the latest 2015 edition

get it here:
again, for the noobs, and people who have trouble reading, lol - this is a guide for photoshop elements! not photoshop, you do know the difference, yes?

if you have any of these programs, and you learn how to use them, even if you are not a photographer, you CAN make a LOT of money! take your own photos, or advertise your photoshop and photo editing services, use pictures from other photographers. many photographers do not know how to use these programs. you can help them sell their pictures, make their pictures look better and or unique. you can earn a full time income doing this, and much more if you really wanted to.

I will share some photoshop ebooks as well in another thread if someone will add some +rep below
Thanks again and more Reps to ya!
Thanks for sharing... reps given
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