03-13-2016, 06:44 AM
the latest .. (purchased, untouched)
![[Image: gravityforms.png?fit=480%2C360]](http://i2.wp.com/www.moorewebexposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/gravityforms.png?fit=480%2C360)
update: Mar. 06, v2.2 Beta 1
update: Feb. 21, v2.1.3.4.
update: Jan. 05, v2.1.2.
update: Nov. 14, v2.1.1.
update: Nov. 10, v2.1.0.1
update: Okt. 21, v2.0.7.15
update: Sept. 22, v2.0.7.4
update: Sept. 14, v2.0.7.2
update: Aug. 25, v2.0.6.8
update: Aug. 06, v2.0.5
update: July 31, v2.0.4.1
update: July 24, v2.0.3.5
update: July 06, v2.0.2.5
update: June 27, v2.0.1.2
update: June 20, v2.0.0.3
![[Image: gravityforms.png?fit=480%2C360]](http://i2.wp.com/www.moorewebexposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/gravityforms.png?fit=480%2C360)
Magic Button :
update: Mar. 06, v2.2 Beta 1
update: Feb. 21, v2.1.3.4.
update: Jan. 05, v2.1.2.
update: Nov. 14, v2.1.1.
update: Nov. 10, v2.1.0.1
update: Okt. 21, v2.0.7.15
update: Sept. 22, v2.0.7.4
update: Sept. 14, v2.0.7.2
update: Aug. 25, v2.0.6.8
update: Aug. 06, v2.0.5
update: July 31, v2.0.4.1
update: July 24, v2.0.3.5
update: July 06, v2.0.2.5
update: June 27, v2.0.1.2
update: June 20, v2.0.0.3
Magic Button :
Version 2.1.2
- Added $entry as a fourth parameter for the gform_merge_tag_data filter.
- Added support for auxiliary data for confirmations.
- Added GFFormDisplay::get_confirmation_message() method; refactored from GFFormDisplay::handle_confirmation().
- Added logging statements.
- Added the $field parameter to the gform_other_choice_value filter.
- Added gform_subscription_cancelled action.
- Added the gform_secure_file_download_url filter for overriding the url returned when the file upload field value is output in the entries area and merge tags. Credit: Chris Wiegman.
- Added the gform_purge_expired_incomplete_submissions_query filter allowing the query used to purge expired incomplete (save and continue) submissions to be overridden.
- Added gform_include_bom_export_entries filter allowing the BOM character to be excluded from entry export files.
- Added the gform_secure_file_download_is_https filter which can be used to prevent file upload urls from being changed from http to https when SSL is enabled. Credit: Chris Wiegman.
- Added the gform_fileupload_entry_value_file_path filter allowing the file upload url to be overridden when the field values are being prepared for output for the entry detail page and {all_fields} merge tag. Credit: Chris Wiegman.
- Added "numeric" modifier to merge tags to return numeric/unformatted numbers.
- Updated English translations (NZ, ZA). Credit: Ross McKay.
- Updated font size definitions to em (relative font size) in favor of rem (root font size)
- Updated the product field types array used by GFCommon::is_product_field() to include the hiddenproduct, singleproduct, and singleshipping input types. Credit: Naomi C. Bush.
- Updated the minimum version of WordPress required for support to 4.6.
- Updated the Afrikaans translation filename.
- Fixed issue with conditional logic when using numbers formatted with comma as decimal separators.
- Fixed conflict when reCaptcha script is enqueued by other plugins and themes.
- Fixed an issue where the partial entry was not available to the gform_review_page filter when resuming an incomplete submission.
- Fixed fatal error on PHP 7.1
- Fixed PHP warning on the entry list page if the value retrieved from the gform_entries_screen_options user option is not an array.
- Fixed a fatal error which would occur with if the cached version info contained a WP_Error.
- Fixed file size limit validation message not appearing when a validation message already exists.
- Fixed an issue with option currency formatting with decimal comma separator.
- Fixed an issue with total field formatting on currencies with decimal comma separator.
- Fixed an issue with the processing of custom fields during post creation which prevented the content template being processed.
- Fixed an issue with number formatting on calculated fields.
- Fixed an issue on number range setting defaulting to 'false'.
- Fixed an issue with form import process where the edit form link in incorrect.
- Fixed an issue with currency formatting.
- Fixed an issue where the version info may not get cached on some systems resulting in very slow loading of the admin pages.
- Fixed an issue with the Notifications meta box on the entry detail page when the user doesn't have the gravityforms_edit_entry_notes capability.
- Fixed an issue with the forms sent to the gform_forms_post_import action after import.
- Fixed an issue where GFFormDisplay::has_price_field() could incorrectly return false for some form configurations.
- Fixed issue where gfAjaxSpinner() did not link to a valid default spinner graphic.
- Fixed a JS error in the form editor when deleting a field on a form added via the GFAPI where the form button properties have not been defined.
- Fixed an issue with the submission time evaluation of conditional logic based on the multiselect type field.
- Fixed rgget helper function returning null when the value is 0.
- Fixed the send email form on the save and continue confirmation which occasionally would not submit when AJAX is enabled.
- Fixed entry filter from disappearing when no search results are found.
- Fixed entry filter not correctly populating search drop down when starred is set to no.
- Fixed a fatal error when a WP_Error object is passed as the second parameter of the rgget helper function.
- Fixed a fatal error which could occur on the entry detail page if a WP_Error is returned when getting the entry to be displayed.
- AF: Fixed an issue where following successful PayPal payment only one of the add-ons delayed feeds would be processed and would not be added to the entry processed_feeds meta item.
- AF: Updated logging for feed processing.
- API: Fixed an issue with entry searches when using numeric values for checkbox search keys which could return incorrect results.
Version 2.1.1
- Added PF (French Polynesia) to the country code list. Credit: the GravityView team.
- Added percentage based rule lines for alignment check in preview page.
- Added gf_form_center readyclass style to properly center the form in the gform_wrapper container.
- Updated the HTML field to check for the unfiltered_html capability instead of manage_options before allowing unfiltered HTML to be saved in the form editor.
- Fixed an issue with the Drop Down field merge tag where the value is not encoded for use in query string params.
- Fixed an issue with the Multi Select field merge tag where the value is displayed instead of the text.
- Fixed an issue with the entry list when sorting by entry meta where some entries may not be included in the results.
- Fixed an issue with the date and time field input sizes and switched the input containers to a flex layout.
- Fixed an issue with the date and time field label sizes and text-alignment.
- Fixed an issue caused by the overflow property of the form element.
- Fixed an issue with the form wrapper width value.
- Fixed conditional logic dependency confirmation appearing every time a field is edited when the visibility is already set to administrative.
- Fixed an issue with the Paragraph field validation when a max character limit is configured and the value contains multi-byte characters.
- Fixed issue with number max range sanitization.
- Fixed an issue with number field min and max range settings when number format is configured with commas as decimal separators.
- Fixed an issue with the Paragraph field validation when a max character limit is not configured.
- AF: Fixed an issue when only using custom keys with the dynamic field map.
Version 2.1
- Updated the field visibility setting to make it more clear and to allow fields marked as hidden to be part of conditional logic.
- Added gform_is_valid_conditional_logic_operator filter to allow custom operators to pass validation in is_valid_operator().
- Added better support for custom address types (added via gform_address_types filter) and conditional logic.
- Added GFExports::export_forms() method to allow 3rd parties to more easily export forms.
- Added the gform_honeypot_labels_pre_render filter.
- Added GFFormsModel::get_phsyical_file_path() method; re-factored from code in the GFFormsModel::delete_physical_file() method.
- Added gform_rfc_url_validation hook to control whether or not URL validation conforms with RFC standard. Defaults to true.
- Added gform_is_valid_url hook to allow for custom URL validation.
- Added the gform_savecontinue_link filter for customizing the save and continue links.
- Added GFFormDetail::get_field_groups() method.
- Added the gform_entry_list_columns filter for overriding the columns to be displayed on the entry list page.
- Added logging of sanitize_file_name filter, in some cases it can cause an empty .csv file download.
- Added message on entry export if the PHP readfile function is not available, which had been causing an empty .csv file to be downloaded.
- Added the gform_reset_pre_conditional_logic_field_action filter which can be used to prevent the field being reset to its default value when hidden. See https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentatio...ld_action/
- Updated the registration of some JavaScript files to use the minified version by default.
- Updated the default css and ready class css for better horizontal field justification.
- Updated how the tooltip styles and scripts are included.
- Updated GF_ShowEditTitle() to automatically give the edit title input focus.
- Updated the input container for the textarea field to include the ginput_container_textarea class.
- Updated notification routing conditional logic JS to use the get_routing_field_types() method for consistency.
- Updated English translations (NZ, ZA). Credit: Ross McKay.
- Fixed input mask script not being included for a field with a custom phone format.
- Fixed issue with character counter on textareas configured with Rich Text Editor enabled.
- Fixed issue where tooltips CSS was not enqueued if No Conflict was enabled.
- Fixed a JS error which could occur with the single file upload field when the max file size is configured.
- Fixed an issue with the number formatting in the pricing summary table when the entry currency does not match the Forms > Settings currency.
- Fixed incorrect conditional logic result for multi-input field types (i.e. Address) using the entry value and the is not operator.
- Fixed an issue with the recent forms list not updating when forms are trashed.
- Fixed a PHP warning on some systems where the cron task is unable to to create files.
- Fixed an issue with the advanced field buttons.
- Fixed an issue with the confirmation settings for users without the unfiltered_html capability where merge tags used as attributes get mangled instead of removed.
- Fixed PHP warning if a query string parameter uses array notation.
- Fixed tabindex issue when save and continue functionality is activated.
- Fixed an issue with the Email field validation for forms created in 1.8 or older when the confirmation input value includes trailing spaces.
- Fixed an issue with the Web API returning 404 errors under certain circumstances for example saving permalinks.
- AF: Fixed fatal error with the add-on specific version of the gform_addon_field_map_choices filter when the add-on doesn't have a get_instance method.
- AF: Added gform_fieldmap_add_row Javascript action when adding a new row to a dynamic field map.
- AF: Updated jQuery Repeater plugin to support input fields for value.
- AF: Fixed fatal error with the add-on specific version of the gform_addon_field_map_choices filter.
- AF: Added the gform_addon_field_map_choices filter allowing the choices in the field map drop down to be overridden.
- AF: Added GFAddOn::is_simple_condition_met() for evaluating the rule configured for the field created using the simple_condition() helper.
Version 2.0.7
- Added security enhancement. Credit: @c0mmand3rOpSec
- Added security enhancement. Credit: Virtualroad.org
- Added the gform_post_recaptcha_render action hook. See https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentatio...ha_render/
- Fixed an issue with the form schedule date format introduced by the WordPress 4.6 datepicker i18n changes.
- Fixed an issue which could result in an empty csv file being downloaded when the sanitize_file_name filter is used.
- Fixed noticed generated by use of the MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 constant when mcrypt is not installed.
- Fixed an intermittent 404 issue which can occur when the Web API is active alongside conflicting themes and plugins.
- Fixed an issue with the subscription start date not showing the correct date in the entry detail page when the subscription start date is set for a day different than the current day.
- Fixed an issue with the start_date and end_date filters used with the entry export.
- Fixed an issue with the field filters for choice based pricing fields.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the new form modal to open when paging through the forms list.
- Fixed an issue with the credit card field inputs upgrade.
- Fixed an issue with the form schedule sanitization.
- Updated the entry list column selector to skip hidden inputs.
- Updated field label retrieval to use the inputs custom sub-label if configured.
- Updated field filters to exclude display only fields and to use the inputs custom sub-label if configured.
- Updated GFCommon::decrypt() to accept the same arguments as GFCommon::encrypt().
- Updated entry search to allow for random sorting.
- Updated post creation to include the post_id in the entry earlier in the process.
- Updated file upload field to present a validation error and clear field value when a file larger than the maximum file size is selected.
- Updated the save and continue process to ignore files selected in the single file upload field when saving.
- AF: Added subscription cancellation logging.
- AF: Updated to only add the button for the credit card field if it is required by the add-on.
- AF: Added GFFeedAddOn::maybe_delay_feed() to handle PayPal delay logic and gform_is_delayed_pre_process_feed filter.
Version 2.1.2
- Added $entry as a fourth parameter for the gform_merge_tag_data filter.
- Added support for auxiliary data for confirmations.
- Added GFFormDisplay::get_confirmation_message() method; refactored from GFFormDisplay::handle_confirmation().
- Added logging statements.
- Added the $field parameter to the gform_other_choice_value filter.
- Added gform_subscription_cancelled action.
- Added the gform_secure_file_download_url filter for overriding the url returned when the file upload field value is output in the entries area and merge tags. Credit: Chris Wiegman.
- Added the gform_purge_expired_incomplete_submissions_query filter allowing the query used to purge expired incomplete (save and continue) submissions to be overridden.
- Added gform_include_bom_export_entries filter allowing the BOM character to be excluded from entry export files.
- Added the gform_secure_file_download_is_https filter which can be used to prevent file upload urls from being changed from http to https when SSL is enabled. Credit: Chris Wiegman.
- Added the gform_fileupload_entry_value_file_path filter allowing the file upload url to be overridden when the field values are being prepared for output for the entry detail page and {all_fields} merge tag. Credit: Chris Wiegman.
- Added "numeric" modifier to merge tags to return numeric/unformatted numbers.
- Updated English translations (NZ, ZA). Credit: Ross McKay.
- Updated font size definitions to em (relative font size) in favor of rem (root font size)
- Updated the product field types array used by GFCommon::is_product_field() to include the hiddenproduct, singleproduct, and singleshipping input types. Credit: Naomi C. Bush.
- Updated the minimum version of WordPress required for support to 4.6.
- Updated the Afrikaans translation filename.
- Fixed issue with conditional logic when using numbers formatted with comma as decimal separators.
- Fixed conflict when reCaptcha script is enqueued by other plugins and themes.
- Fixed an issue where the partial entry was not available to the gform_review_page filter when resuming an incomplete submission.
- Fixed fatal error on PHP 7.1
- Fixed PHP warning on the entry list page if the value retrieved from the gform_entries_screen_options user option is not an array.
- Fixed a fatal error which would occur with if the cached version info contained a WP_Error.
- Fixed file size limit validation message not appearing when a validation message already exists.
- Fixed an issue with option currency formatting with decimal comma separator.
- Fixed an issue with total field formatting on currencies with decimal comma separator.
- Fixed an issue with the processing of custom fields during post creation which prevented the content template being processed.
- Fixed an issue with number formatting on calculated fields.
- Fixed an issue on number range setting defaulting to 'false'.
- Fixed an issue with form import process where the edit form link in incorrect.
- Fixed an issue with currency formatting.
- Fixed an issue where the version info may not get cached on some systems resulting in very slow loading of the admin pages.
- Fixed an issue with the Notifications meta box on the entry detail page when the user doesn't have the gravityforms_edit_entry_notes capability.
- Fixed an issue with the forms sent to the gform_forms_post_import action after import.
- Fixed an issue where GFFormDisplay::has_price_field() could incorrectly return false for some form configurations.
- Fixed issue where gfAjaxSpinner() did not link to a valid default spinner graphic.
- Fixed a JS error in the form editor when deleting a field on a form added via the GFAPI where the form button properties have not been defined.
- Fixed an issue with the submission time evaluation of conditional logic based on the multiselect type field.
- Fixed rgget helper function returning null when the value is 0.
- Fixed the send email form on the save and continue confirmation which occasionally would not submit when AJAX is enabled.
- Fixed entry filter from disappearing when no search results are found.
- Fixed entry filter not correctly populating search drop down when starred is set to no.
- Fixed a fatal error when a WP_Error object is passed as the second parameter of the rgget helper function.
- Fixed a fatal error which could occur on the entry detail page if a WP_Error is returned when getting the entry to be displayed.
- AF: Fixed an issue where following successful PayPal payment only one of the add-ons delayed feeds would be processed and would not be added to the entry processed_feeds meta item.
- AF: Updated logging for feed processing.
- API: Fixed an issue with entry searches when using numeric values for checkbox search keys which could return incorrect results.
Version 2.1.1
- Added PF (French Polynesia) to the country code list. Credit: the GravityView team.
- Added percentage based rule lines for alignment check in preview page.
- Added gf_form_center readyclass style to properly center the form in the gform_wrapper container.
- Updated the HTML field to check for the unfiltered_html capability instead of manage_options before allowing unfiltered HTML to be saved in the form editor.
- Fixed an issue with the Drop Down field merge tag where the value is not encoded for use in query string params.
- Fixed an issue with the Multi Select field merge tag where the value is displayed instead of the text.
- Fixed an issue with the entry list when sorting by entry meta where some entries may not be included in the results.
- Fixed an issue with the date and time field input sizes and switched the input containers to a flex layout.
- Fixed an issue with the date and time field label sizes and text-alignment.
- Fixed an issue caused by the overflow property of the form element.
- Fixed an issue with the form wrapper width value.
- Fixed conditional logic dependency confirmation appearing every time a field is edited when the visibility is already set to administrative.
- Fixed an issue with the Paragraph field validation when a max character limit is configured and the value contains multi-byte characters.
- Fixed issue with number max range sanitization.
- Fixed an issue with number field min and max range settings when number format is configured with commas as decimal separators.
- Fixed an issue with the Paragraph field validation when a max character limit is not configured.
- AF: Fixed an issue when only using custom keys with the dynamic field map.
Version 2.1
- Updated the field visibility setting to make it more clear and to allow fields marked as hidden to be part of conditional logic.
- Added gform_is_valid_conditional_logic_operator filter to allow custom operators to pass validation in is_valid_operator().
- Added better support for custom address types (added via gform_address_types filter) and conditional logic.
- Added GFExports::export_forms() method to allow 3rd parties to more easily export forms.
- Added the gform_honeypot_labels_pre_render filter.
- Added GFFormsModel::get_phsyical_file_path() method; re-factored from code in the GFFormsModel::delete_physical_file() method.
- Added gform_rfc_url_validation hook to control whether or not URL validation conforms with RFC standard. Defaults to true.
- Added gform_is_valid_url hook to allow for custom URL validation.
- Added the gform_savecontinue_link filter for customizing the save and continue links.
- Added GFFormDetail::get_field_groups() method.
- Added the gform_entry_list_columns filter for overriding the columns to be displayed on the entry list page.
- Added logging of sanitize_file_name filter, in some cases it can cause an empty .csv file download.
- Added message on entry export if the PHP readfile function is not available, which had been causing an empty .csv file to be downloaded.
- Added the gform_reset_pre_conditional_logic_field_action filter which can be used to prevent the field being reset to its default value when hidden. See https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentatio...ld_action/
- Updated the registration of some JavaScript files to use the minified version by default.
- Updated the default css and ready class css for better horizontal field justification.
- Updated how the tooltip styles and scripts are included.
- Updated GF_ShowEditTitle() to automatically give the edit title input focus.
- Updated the input container for the textarea field to include the ginput_container_textarea class.
- Updated notification routing conditional logic JS to use the get_routing_field_types() method for consistency.
- Updated English translations (NZ, ZA). Credit: Ross McKay.
- Fixed input mask script not being included for a field with a custom phone format.
- Fixed issue with character counter on textareas configured with Rich Text Editor enabled.
- Fixed issue where tooltips CSS was not enqueued if No Conflict was enabled.
- Fixed a JS error which could occur with the single file upload field when the max file size is configured.
- Fixed an issue with the number formatting in the pricing summary table when the entry currency does not match the Forms > Settings currency.
- Fixed incorrect conditional logic result for multi-input field types (i.e. Address) using the entry value and the is not operator.
- Fixed an issue with the recent forms list not updating when forms are trashed.
- Fixed a PHP warning on some systems where the cron task is unable to to create files.
- Fixed an issue with the advanced field buttons.
- Fixed an issue with the confirmation settings for users without the unfiltered_html capability where merge tags used as attributes get mangled instead of removed.
- Fixed PHP warning if a query string parameter uses array notation.
- Fixed tabindex issue when save and continue functionality is activated.
- Fixed an issue with the Email field validation for forms created in 1.8 or older when the confirmation input value includes trailing spaces.
- Fixed an issue with the Web API returning 404 errors under certain circumstances for example saving permalinks.
- AF: Fixed fatal error with the add-on specific version of the gform_addon_field_map_choices filter when the add-on doesn't have a get_instance method.
- AF: Added gform_fieldmap_add_row Javascript action when adding a new row to a dynamic field map.
- AF: Updated jQuery Repeater plugin to support input fields for value.
- AF: Fixed fatal error with the add-on specific version of the gform_addon_field_map_choices filter.
- AF: Added the gform_addon_field_map_choices filter allowing the choices in the field map drop down to be overridden.
- AF: Added GFAddOn::is_simple_condition_met() for evaluating the rule configured for the field created using the simple_condition() helper.
Version 2.0.7
- Added security enhancement. Credit: @c0mmand3rOpSec
- Added security enhancement. Credit: Virtualroad.org
- Added the gform_post_recaptcha_render action hook. See https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentatio...ha_render/
- Fixed an issue with the form schedule date format introduced by the WordPress 4.6 datepicker i18n changes.
- Fixed an issue which could result in an empty csv file being downloaded when the sanitize_file_name filter is used.
- Fixed noticed generated by use of the MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 constant when mcrypt is not installed.
- Fixed an intermittent 404 issue which can occur when the Web API is active alongside conflicting themes and plugins.
- Fixed an issue with the subscription start date not showing the correct date in the entry detail page when the subscription start date is set for a day different than the current day.
- Fixed an issue with the start_date and end_date filters used with the entry export.
- Fixed an issue with the field filters for choice based pricing fields.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the new form modal to open when paging through the forms list.
- Fixed an issue with the credit card field inputs upgrade.
- Fixed an issue with the form schedule sanitization.
- Updated the entry list column selector to skip hidden inputs.
- Updated field label retrieval to use the inputs custom sub-label if configured.
- Updated field filters to exclude display only fields and to use the inputs custom sub-label if configured.
- Updated GFCommon::decrypt() to accept the same arguments as GFCommon::encrypt().
- Updated entry search to allow for random sorting.
- Updated post creation to include the post_id in the entry earlier in the process.
- Updated file upload field to present a validation error and clear field value when a file larger than the maximum file size is selected.
- Updated the save and continue process to ignore files selected in the single file upload field when saving.
- AF: Added subscription cancellation logging.
- AF: Updated to only add the button for the credit card field if it is required by the add-on.
- AF: Added GFFeedAddOn::maybe_delay_feed() to handle PayPal delay logic and gform_is_delayed_pre_process_feed filter.