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Thanks for all your assistance. That was quick. I have given you a rep+1. I like what Billy Gene is doing. When I get his main course, which I notice Mike Cooch is promoting, yet again, I would like to share it with the community. I notice it has been shared among the VIP members, so I am not sure if that is allowed.
Out of respect for those that contributed to the purchase of the main product I will share it on March21st...for free...on the forum in a [GET] thread.

I was upfront with everyone who pm'd me that I would be sharing it...basically they were contributing a goodwill amount for a 1 week head start.

I asked only for a "suggested" contribution of $5...but there is no min, no whatever you want.

Everyone who wanted it immediately now has it.

If you want it now...send me a pm and I'll provide my paypal address....otherwise you'll get it here for free on March 21st.

I'll place a link to the new thread in this one then so no one who is following this thread will miss it.

I will NOT be sharing the OTO publicly ...again, out of respect for those who contributed to its purchase.

I hope that brings clarity to the situation.

I was trying to be fair and transparent...Yes, that transparency and uncertainty about how to implement things led to some confusion and I take responsibility for that.

(I certainly didn't expect to get ripped!)
Nice! looking for the OTO only. How much @SpiritDudewould you like me for participation? Cheers.
Hello Send paypal info I will contribute. thanks
For those not on Mike Cooch's email list.

This is a replay of the Billy Gene Webinar from Tues March 15


It culminates in an offer for his $997 coaching program. It's based on systematizing your business to make it easier to scale.

It's worth the watch...

FYI-all the info from the OTO is contained in the first product and this webinar.

For of the items in the OTO is a checklist. He shows the checklist in the webinar...take a screenshot.

The OTO basically gives you the stuff packaged up with a bow...but the info is already out there for the most part.

His prospecting system has some elements that are worth copying...but be warned his system is NOT a cheap way to get clients and isn't really about going from 0-10 clients but more how to make that next step after you establish some success.

Take elements of his course and apply it to your own situation.

If you follow Cooch he has railed about getting paid for activity and NOT results...he says that's the way to go....Billy Gene says the opposite.

Go figure...Cooch would promote someone that says exactly the opposite of what he do the math...Cooch does ;)
Wow, dude sounds just like Kevin Wilke.. :)
As promised....

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