(03-11-2016 12:39 AM)Angelis2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Imagine my surprise when I attempted to download from these two guys and only get a dozens of pop ups, enough to discourage anybody. And then finally and .exe file to download.
Sorry, not worth it.
I hope the moderators take a look at the download links they gave us.
You may have picked up a browser virus elsewhere. Link is clean and works 100% A1 +
Excellent share OP! Thanks and repped.
@Tong: Thank you for this share.
@Nokia5233: Thank you for the mirror.
Reps added.
(03-11-2016 12:39 AM)Angelis2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Imagine my surprise when I attempted to download from these two guys and only get a dozens of pop ups, enough to discourage anybody. And then finally and .exe file to download.
Sorry, not worth it.
I hope the moderators take a look at the download links they gave us.
Imagine my surprise when di-ckheads like you don't even know how to download files properly and crying on this forum. Be ashamed of yourself ..don't you see you are the only person who has problems downloading the file? Get a life and learn

hey Bosslabs, I do have a life, and I do know how to download. Maybe you should learn to shut up before you have all the facts.You don't have to be so nasty. I have malwarebytes which is #1 for protection. I has to be these filesharing sites, because they have do have pop ups. And by the way learn to write proper English before you give such an ***** type comment, ok. If you have problem with me, I live in NY come visit. I'll teach you a lesson, a lesson a co-worker 5" 9' tall learned the hard way NOT to mess with me. Oh yeah I put him in the hospital, if you want to join him let me know. *****!
Dear originall, thanks for the mega share.A clean link.Rep + added.
interesting concept. Thanks for share.
Still reading it anyways. Thank you. REPs given
(03-11-2016 06:01 AM)Angelis2012 Wrote: [ -> ]hey Bosslabs, I do have a life, and I do know how to download. Maybe you should learn to shut up before you have all the facts.You don't have to be so nasty. I have malwarebytes which is #1 for protection. I has to be these filesharing sites, because they have do have pop ups. And by the way learn to write proper English before you give such an ***** type comment, ok. If you have problem with me, I live in NY come visit. I'll teach you a lesson, a lesson a co-worker 5" 9' tall learned the hard way NOT to mess with me. Oh yeah I put him in the hospital, if you want to join him let me know. *****!
Dear originall, thanks for the mega share.A clean link.Rep + added.
Hey ladyboy, have you learnt how to download files from mirror sites yet ? Yeah nice fake address you sent me
(03-11-2016 06:01 AM)Angelis2012 Wrote: [ -> ]If you have problem with me, I live in NY come visit. I'll teach you a lesson, a lesson a co-worker 5" 9' tall learned the hard way NOT to mess with me. Oh yeah I put him in the hospital, if you want to join him let me know. *****!
Oh my golly gosh. Calm down my friend
thanks so much for your efforts to do this short review. very helpful and timesaving. repped of course