Bump for this - I did juicing for a while and put on weight as there's a lot of sugar in fruit juices. For example it took about 3-4 oranges for a glass and I would drink it in 30 seconds but I would never sit and eat 4 oranges at once. So you are getting nutrients but extra calories without much fibre. I still juice but not so much and add sparkling water. I prefer to have smoothies as you get the fibre and stay fuller longer.
it looks great! It would be nice to have it. bump
Hey peasandham, fruit juice doesn't add calories per se to your body; you need to look at what you eat, check on YouTube Dr Morse and Dan Macdonald. This will help you to educate yourself if you are still interested:)
(05-17-2016 09:11 AM)peasandham Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for this - I did juicing for a while and put on weight as there's a lot of sugar in fruit juices. For example it took about 3-4 oranges for a glass and I would drink it in 30 seconds but I would never sit and eat 4 oranges at once. So you are getting nutrients but extra calories without much fibre. I still juice but not so much and add sparkling water. I prefer to have smoothies as you get the fibre and stay fuller longer.