Looking for US account with good feedback 99+ and $$$ limits increased for units /sales
Please pm these numbers
Number of feedbacks
Feedback score
Unit per month / sells
$$$ per month
(03-08-2016 03:38 PM)M@$terMind Wrote: [ -> ]Looking for US account with good feedback 99+ and $$$ limits increased for units /sales
Please pm these numbers
Number of feedbacks
Feedback score
Unit per month / sells
$$$ per month
I have two accounts. First account total feedback 389, seller feedback 311. 100% positive and second account total feedback 419, seller feedback 371. 100% positive. Limits lifted. You could start selling or buying right away.
Comes with email access, security questions and answers, cookies and proxies.
Price is about $300.
PM if interested. or add me on skype: emailingevolution