Hello guys;please i need you suggest a video editing and cartoon animation software just like the one used in this video if possible:
I know he's using green screen,and i know how to do that,but the animation;that's what am looking for.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at explaindio (already cracked and on the site), it can do all of what you are looking for and for what is shown on the video very easily.
(03-05-2016 11:18 PM)tinamou99 Wrote: [ -> ]Take a look at explaindio (already cracked and on the site), it can do all of what you are looking for and for what is shown on the video very easily.
Thanks a lot tinamou99,i'll try it,and reply to you.
Usually, videos like these were produced in After Effects combined with other softwares. There are a lot of animation creation softwares, 2D animation softwares, 3D modeling softwares, and visiual effects and motion graphics softwares today that allow a person to produce virtually anything. If you search the internet, you'll find tons of them. These softwares are just tools and in order to produce great videos, you need to learn and get familiarize with its features. You need to be artistic and experience will help you become artistic.
As mentioned by tinamou99, there are softwares such as explaindio that can let you produce videos without much technical skills involved. You can also try searching for After Effects templates that can allow you to edit texts, clips and images.