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Full Version: [REQ] Client Acceleration Machine by Robert Stukes
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Curious about this...
Bump bump bump
Did anyone buy it yet for a GB? Looks like he took the salespage down to purchase it.
I would like in if there is a GB.

If there is at least 3 that would join me, I'd go in on that even. I still have the purchase link.
I would be in as well
PM me if you want to GB. if we can get it down to 100 per person I'll GB. hopefully I'm not doing anything against the rules here by saying this if I need some kind of approval
nobody? anyone find another route then?
I would like a GB but can't do 100 bucks
I'd like it cheaper too, but that's the max I'd be willing to spend. If more jump on, obviously it would be less. I don't do GB's for personal profit. Heck, I've only run one, and got screwed by an additional $100, but I'd be willing to run one here.

Soooo... if we can get 10 people with intent to take action, it's down to 40. Can we get 10?
I'd love this as well!
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