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Full Version: [GET] The Wedding Guide: Planning and Saving Money on Your Wedding [297$ > Free]
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For all you engaged ladies out there. Save some money on your wedding.

Good luck gals!

Your friends at OVC Masters
Thanks for the share...unfortunately coupon code is sold out.
Thank you for sharing. Is there any chance of a new coupon for BBHF?
all sold out.
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Above Coupon from @OVCmasters works just fine.
Reps added to OVCmasters..

My apologies. I had posted another coupon to this original thread in a hurry without checking the validity of the coupon before..

Thanks to Uriah777 for bringing this to my notice.
Reps added to @Uriah777
Thanks "Y0gendr"...Glad to have you on this Forum...Keep up the good work...Max Reps to you as well...Peace... Thanks
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